Assessing the 'GEO' in GEOCLUTTER: New Chirp Sonar, Sampling, and Compressional Wave Veolcity Results from the New Jersey Shelf

TitleAssessing the 'GEO' in GEOCLUTTER: New Chirp Sonar, Sampling, and Compressional Wave Veolcity Results from the New Jersey Shelf
Publication TypeConference Abstract
AuthorsAustin, JA, Goff, JA, Gulick, SP, Fulthorpe, C, Nordfjord, S, Wiederspahn, M, Saustrup, S, Schock, SG, Wulf, J, Gjerding, K, Mayer, LA, Sommerfield, CK
Conference NameEOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
Conference Location0-0
Conference DatesDec 10 - Dec 14