Assessing the Stability of New Hampshire Beaches: Research Involving the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire State Agencies, and Citizen Scientists

TitleAssessing the Stability of New Hampshire Beaches: Research Involving the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire State Agencies, and Citizen Scientists
Publication TypeConference Abstract
AuthorsWard, LG
Conference NameThe Beaches Conferences 2019: Our Maine and New Hampshire Beaches and Coast
Conference LocationKittery, ME
Conference DatesJuly 14
Keywordsbeach erosion, citizen science, coastal management

The stability of New Hampshire (NH) beaches in terms of long-term erosion or accretion has not been well documented. To address this gap, studies were initiated by the University of New Hampshire (UNH), New Hampshire Coastal Program (NHCP), and New Hampshire Geological Survey (NHGS) starting in 2015 along the NH coast to provide an understanding of seasonal changes, the impacts of storms, and sediment composition. However, a major gap in this effort is a long-term monitoring program of multiple beaches documenting erosion and accretion trends. To address this need, UNH, NHCP, and NHGS partnered to develop a volunteer beach profile monitoring program (VBPMP) in 2016. Over the last three years the VBPMP had grown to monitoring thirteen stations at six NH beaches. The beach profiles are monitored by citizen volunteers at monthly intervals over the year and periodically after major storms. The goal is to develop a database to aid coastal management decisions at local, state, and federal levels. This presentation will provide an overview of the studies of the NH beaches, emphasizing results from the VBPMP.