CCOM-JHC Summer Hydro 2012: A High-Res Survey Under 12 Flags

TitleCCOM-JHC Summer Hydro 2012: A High-Res Survey Under 12 Flags
Publication TypePoster - Conference
AuthorsBerry, A, Cezairle, Y, Chowdhury, M, Englert, C, Gunasinghage , P, Guo, X, Hassan, N, Masetti, G, Minami, H, Nguyen, T, Thein, S, Welton, B, Wilson, MJ, Armstrong, AA, Dijkstra, SJ, Smith, B, Terry, E
Conference NameEighth Annual GEBCO Bathymetric Science Day
Conference DatesOctober 08, 2013
Conference LocationVenice, Italy
Keywordsbackscatter, multibeam bathymetry

The University of New Hampshire Summer Hydrographic Field Course conducted a hydrographic survey off the coast of Southern Maine (USA) during the summer of 2012. The MBES data were acquired using a Kongsberg EM 2040 operated both at 300 kHz and 400 kHz in normal mode (multisector) and short CW (70 µs), positioned with an Applanix POS/MV (Ver. 4) and using Real-Time Kinematic corrections broadcast from a GNSS base station.

The survey team was composed of faculty, staff and students (5 GEBCO scholars) from 12 nations spanning the globe. The survey provided a unique learning opportunity and a interactive learning environment for sharing experiences and comparing a wide number of national hydrographic Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the main framework of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Coast Survey (NOAA-OCS) standards.

The resulting high resolution bathymetry and backscatter products lead to the discovery of several interesting geological features that are currently under investigation. The survey area covers four square nautical miles (196 linear nautical miles of data acquisition) over a highly dynamic seafloor ranging in depth from zero to 35 meters, with 200% approximate average coverage. Additionally, 17 grab samples and 21 underwater videos have been conducted for geological and biological seafloor characterization as a direct result of this survey. All soundings from this survey are adequate to supersede prior surveys in their common areas, and are recommended for use in chart update.

The proposed poster will highlight the bathymetry, backscatter, and geological features, including a V-shaped morphologic structure.
