Denmark’s Depth Model Version 2.0 – Improved Compilation of Bathymetric Data Within the Danish Waters

TitleDenmark’s Depth Model Version 2.0 – Improved Compilation of Bathymetric Data Within the Danish Waters
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsMasetti, G, Granding, PSigaard, Langdahl, K, Schwenger, LMondberg, Kristmar, KVilladsen
JournalInternational Hydrographic Review
Date PublishedNovember
PublisherInternational Hydrographic Bureau
Place PublishedMonaco
Keywordsdigital bathymetric model, ocean mapping, open geospatial data

Denmark’s Depth Model version 2.0 (DDM v2.0) is the latest iteration of a Digital Bathymetric Model (DBM) for Danish waters, offering a grid resolution of 50 meters. The compilation integrates hundreds of survey datasets, including both modern and historical sources, as well as satellite-derived and crowdsourced bathymetric data. The model is referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL) datum and – due to the adopted compilation process – is not designed for safety of navigation. DDM v2.0 is accessible through the Danish Geodata Agency's website and constitutes a significant contribution to the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Bathymetry initiative.

Refereed DesignationRefereed