The e-Learning Python for Ocean Mapping project - Empowering the Next Generation of Ocean Mappers with Effective Programming Skills

TitleThe e-Learning Python for Ocean Mapping project - Empowering the Next Generation of Ocean Mappers with Effective Programming Skills
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
AuthorsMasetti, G, Dijkstra, SJ, Wigley, R, Greenaway, SF, Manda, D, Armstrong, AA, Mayer, LA
Conference Name2020 Canadian Hydrographic Conference
Conference DatesFebruary 24-27
Conference LocationQuebec City, Quebec, Canada
Keywordse-learning, juyter notebooks, programming skills, python

The next generation of ocean mappers will need to master programming skills to face the increasingly higher expectations for timely ping-to-public data workflows. As such, the e-learning Python for Ocean Mapping (ePOM) project was established to support new ocean mapping students and professionals in reaching a minimum level of programming skills. These skills are then expanded with further powerful capabilities by leveraging the open-source Python scientific stack and the NOAA Office of Coast Survey's Pydro distribution.

URL for Proceeding