NIPWG6-08.1 - Status report on the development of S-126: Marine Physical Environment

TitleNIPWG6-08.1 - Status report on the development of S-126: Marine Physical Environment
Publication TypeReport
AuthorsSullivan, BM
Department NameNIPWG
Number of Pages3
Date PublishedJanuary 20
Organization NameInternational Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
LocationRostock, Germany
KeywordsIHO, NIPWG, S-126

On the NIPWG wiki site the S-126 is defined as the physical environment: describing marine and terrestrial topography, prevailing, seasonal, and hazardous currents, tides, weather, and other environmental conditions. In NIPWG5-21.3 it was stated that the S-126 contain “short- or long-term predictions of ocean data such as current velocity and use them to forecast marine physical phenomena and load warnings according to the level of risk”. KHOA also mentioned in an emailed storyboard that the S-126 would be the “standard for expressing the symbols and colors for the physical environment”. This brought up a discussion on the need to clearly define what exactly the S-126 will contain and how it will interoperate with other similar data from the TWCWG (Tides Water-levels and Currents Working Group; S-111, S-104) and the WMO (World Meteorological Organization; S-412). As a reminder from the paper NIPWG5-21.2 the question was posed: “What publications are the NIPWGs main focus?”

Since the TWCWG group has released the first product from the S-111 standard it was decided to focus only on surface currents (choosing to work with one item, instead of eliminating items from a very long list) following up from the tasks generated by NIPWG4-WP3-1. The rest of this paper conveys insights on usefulness, interoperability, data-structuring details and a prototype to illustrate the findings.