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Artificial substrate
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
bathymetric data uncertainty
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
Bay-closing lines
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
Botrylloides violaceus
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
cartographic knowledge acquisition
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
Ciona intestinalis
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
colonial ascidians
J. A. Dijkstra and Simkanin, C., Intraspecific Response of Colonial Ascidians to Variable Salinity Stress in an Era of Global Change, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 551. Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany , pp. 215-225, 2016.PDF icon DijkstraSimkanin2016.pdf (745.07 KB)
Data uncertainty
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., and Alexander, L., An Improved Method for Portraying CATZOC in ECDIS, 2020 Mariners' Workshop. Shipping Federation of Canada, Montreal, Canada, 2020.
Data Visualization
R. Arsenault and Ware, C., The Importance of Stereo, Eye Coupled Perspective and Touch for Eye Hand Coordination, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol. 13. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 549-559, 2004.PDF icon Arsenault_2004_Presence_Importance_Stereo_Eye_Coupled_Perspective.pdf (362.69 KB)
C. Ware, Information Visualization: Perception for Design. Edition III, 3rdrd ed. Boston, MA, United States: Morgan Kaufman, 2012, p. 512.
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., and Alexander, L., An Improved Method for Portraying CATZOC in ECDIS, 2020 Mariners' Workshop. Shipping Federation of Canada, Montreal, Canada, 2020.
L. Alexander, IALA’s Vision of e-Navigation, 2011 Canadian Maritime Pilots Association Congress. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2011.
R. Ward and Alexander, L., The IHO’s Involvement in e-Navigation, IALA Bulletin, vol. 2011, No. 1. pp. 26-27, 2011.
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
Electronic Navigational Charts ENC
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
M. Jakobsson, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0, Scientific Data, vol. 11., 2024.
Guanabara Bay
C. Borba, Integration of Tide/Water Level Information into ECDIS for Guanabara Bay, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
hydrographic workflow
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
Juridical bays
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
Larval substrate preference
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
S. Pe'eri and Philpot, W. D., Increasing the Existence of Very Shallow-water LIDAR Measurements Using the Red-channel Waveforms, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 75. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1217-1223, 2006.
Lidar Data Processing
K. Lowell and Calder, B. R., Improving Extraction of Bathymetry from Lidar Using Machine Learning, 20th Annual Coastal Mapping & Charting Workshop of the Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX). p. Notre Dame, IN, 2019.
Machine Learning
K. Lowell and Calder, B. R., Improving Extraction of Bathymetry from Lidar Using Machine Learning, 20th Annual Coastal Mapping & Charting Workshop of the Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX). p. Notre Dame, IN, 2019.
Maritime delimitation
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
maritime navigation
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., and Alexander, L., An Improved Method for Portraying CATZOC in ECDIS, 2020 Mariners' Workshop. Shipping Federation of Canada, Montreal, Canada, 2020.
Maritime zones and boundaries
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
Nautical cartography
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., and Alexander, L., An Improved Method for Portraying CATZOC in ECDIS, 2020 Mariners' Workshop. Shipping Federation of Canada, Montreal, Canada, 2020.
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
ocean data science
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
ocean mapping
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
ocean sciences
M. Jakobsson, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0, Scientific Data, vol. 11., 2024.
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
scientific computing
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
Sensor technology
T. Karlsson, Pe'eri, S., and Axelsson, A., The Impact of Sea State Condition on Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Measurements, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Laser Radar Technology and Applications XVII). Baltimore, MD, 2012.
Spartina alterniflora; random forests
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Improving Salt Marsh Digital Elevation Model Accuracy with Full-Waveform Lldar and Nonparametric Predictive Modeling, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 202. Elsevier, pp. 193-211, 2018.
spatial data visualization
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
Surface roughness
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
swath geometry; multibeam spatial resolution; integration artefacts
J. E. Hughes Clarke, The Impact of Acoustic Imaging Geometry on the Fidelity of Seabed Bathymetric Models, Geosciences, vol. 8,4. MDPI, 2018.
Territorial sea baselines
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
tide/water level
C. Borba, Integration of Tide/Water Level Information into ECDIS for Guanabara Bay, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
treenet stocgastuc graduebt boosting
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Improving Salt Marsh Digital Elevation Model Accuracy with Full-Waveform Lldar and Nonparametric Predictive Modeling, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 202. Elsevier, pp. 193-211, 2018.
Uncertainty Visualization
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
variable salinity
J. A. Dijkstra and Simkanin, C., Intraspecific Response of Colonial Ascidians to Variable Salinity Stress in an Era of Global Change, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 551. Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany , pp. 215-225, 2016.PDF icon DijkstraSimkanin2016.pdf (745.07 KB)