“Using Moored Arrays and Hyperspectral Aerial Imagery to Develop Nutrient Criteria for New Hampshire's Estuaries”, The New Hampshire Estuaries Project, Piscataqua Regional Estuary Program, 2009.
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“USNS Mary Sears EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Sea Acceptance Trials”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, USA, 2012.
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“Western Gulf of Maine Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis”, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
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, ,
“Acoustic Calibration and Bathymetric Processing with an L-3 Klein 5410 Sidescan Sonar”, 2007.
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“Acoustic Detection and Quantification of Crude Oil”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
, “Acoustic Methods for Mapping and Characterizing Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using a Multibeam Echosounder”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
, “Acoustic Ranging in a Dynamic, Multipath Environment”, 2008.
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“Advancing a Design for Trusted Community Bathymetry”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
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“Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Beam Diagnostics Using an Underwater Optical Detector Array”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2017.
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“Analysis of Acoustic Scattering Layers In and Around Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Analysis of CLCS Recommendations in Light of Their Relevance to the Delineation of a United States Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) in the Arctic”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.
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“Analysis of the Radiated Soundfield of a Deep Water Multibeam Echosounder Using a Submerged Navy Hydrophone Array”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
, “Analysis of Uncertainty in Underwater Multiview Reconstruction”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Automatic Illustration of Ocean Currents”, 2005.
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“Automating the Boring Stuff: A Deep Learning and Computer Vision Workflow for Coral Reef Habitat Mapping”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
, “Bathymetric Uncertainty Model for the L-3 Klein 5410 Sidescan Sonar”, 2009.
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“Broadband Acoustic Measurements of a Controlled Seep with Multiple Gases for Verification of Flux Estimates Through Bubble Dissolution and Target Strength Models”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Building an Open Source Toolkit for Integrating Multiple Datasets for Seafloor Characterization and Habitat Mapping”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
, “Characterization of Weak Rope Through the Design and Construction of a Portable Tensile Testing Machine”, 2005.
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“Characterizing and Quantifying Marine Methane Gas Seeps Using Acoustic Observations and Bubble Dissolution Models”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
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“Comparison and Evaluation of Global Publicly Available Bathymetry Grids in the Arctic”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.
, “Detecting Bedform Migration from High Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry in Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, USA”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2009.
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“Development and Characterization of a Side Scan Sonar Towfish Stabilization Device”, 2006.
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“Development and Experimental Validation of End-Fire Synthetic Aperture Sonar for Sediment Scattering Studies”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
, “Development of a Geo-spatial Analysis Methodology for Assessing the Adequacy of Hydrographic Surveys and Nautical Charts”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.
, “Development of Autonomous Surface Vessels for Hydrographic Survey Applications”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.
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“The Effect of Cold Pool Variability on Zooplankton Dynamics of the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
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“The Effect of Ocean Mapping Multibeam Echosounder Signals on Beaked Whales and the Acoustic Environment”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
, “Effects of Transmission Side Lobe Interference on Multibeam Echosounder Phase Ramps”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
, “An Empirical Evaluation of Visual Cues for 3D Flow Field Perception”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
, “Estimating Surficial Seafloor Sediment Properties Using an Empirical Orthogonal Decomposition on Acoustic Backscatter Waveform Properties”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
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“Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
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“Euclidean Reconstruction of Natural Underwater Scenes Using Optic Imagery Sequence”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
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“Evaluating Satellite Derived Bathymetry in Regard to Total Propagated Uncertainty, Multi-Temporal Change Detection, and Multiple Non-Linear Estimation”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2017.
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“Evaluating the Usage of Multi-frequency Backscatter Data as an Additional Tool for Seafloor Characterization”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.
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“Evaluation of Arctic Multibeam Sonar Data Quality Using Nadir Crossover Analysis and Compilation of a Full-Resolution Data Product”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“An Exploration of Conventional Beamforming Applied to a Phase Measuring Sonar”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
, “Exploring Mechanisms to Resolve Position and Intensity Disparities to Create a Combined Sidescan and Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Image”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
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“Field Calibration Methodology for a Multibeam Echo Sounder Using a Split Beam Sonar System and a Standard Target”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2011.
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“A Field Method for Backscatter Calibration Applied to NOAA's Reson 7125”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“Filling the Bathymetric Gaps: Toward Quantifying and Characterizing Uncertainty in Interpolated Bathymetry”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2024.
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“Fine-scale Niche Modeling Growth and Disease Cover Trends of Long-term Outplanted Staghorn Corals (Acropora cervicornis) in the Lower Florida Keys”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
, “A Geo-database for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites and Associated Risk Index”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.
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“A Geographic Segmentation Approach for Satellite Derived Bathymetry”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
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“Geological Interpretations of a Low-backscatter Anomaly Found in 12-kHz Multibeam Data on the New Jersey Continental Margin”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2008.
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“Gradual Generalization of Nautical Chart Contours with a B-Spline Snake Method”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“High Frequency Motion Residuals: Analysis and Estimation”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2019.
, “High-Frequency Broadband Seafloor Backscatter in a Sandy Estuarine Environment”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
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“Horizontal Calibration of Vessel Lever Arms Using Non-Traditional Survey Methods”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
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“Hydrographic Data Processing on a Robust, Network-Coupled Parallel Cluster”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
, “Identification of Bottom Fishing Impacted Areas Using Multibeam Sonar and Videography”, 2005.
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“The Impact of Hurricanes on the Acoustic Detection of Cetaceans”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Implementing a Reference Backscatter Calibration Technique on a Multi-Sector Multibeam Echosounder”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Improved Sound Speed Control Through Remotely Detecting Strong Changes in the Thermocline”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Integration of Tide/Water Level Information into ECDIS for Guanabara Bay”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
, “The Layer That Didn’t Swim Away: Broadband Acoustic Characterization of Oceanic Stratification Structure”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Linearity Tests of a Multibeam Echosounder”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2010.
, “Linking Audio and Visual Information while Navigating in a Virtual Reality Kiosk Display”, 2004.
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“Linking Focus and Context in 3D Multiscale Environments”, 2004.
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“Maritime Zones and Boundaries Delimitation Analysis and Implementation in Digital Environment”, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Greece, 2017.
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“A Model for Backscattering Angular Response of Gassy Sediments: Applications to Petroleum Exploration and Development Programs”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2001.
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“Multibeam Observations of Mine Scour and Burial Near Clearwater, Florida, Including a Test of the VIMS 2D Burial Model”, 2005.
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“Narrow-beam Monopulse Technique for Bathymetry and Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a Volume Search Sonar”, 2004.
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“Natural Laboratories of the Deep Sea: Linking Community Composition and Environmental Variables on Low-Temperature Venting Outcrops of Ridge Flank Hydrothermal Systems to Explore Potential Impacts of Climate Change, Inform Habitat Suitability Models, and”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2024.
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“The Navigation Surface: A Multipurpose Bathymetric Database”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2003.
, “A New Method for Perceptually Optimized Visualization of Two Layered Flow Fields”, 2005.
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“Observations of Pockmark Flow Structure in Belfast Bay, Maine”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2013.
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“Obtaining a Reference for Calibrating Broadband Multibeam Seabed Backscatter”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
, “Offshore Vertical Datum Separations Derived from Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) Heights Observed Along a Scheduled Ferry Route”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2008.
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“Patterns of Bedform Migration and Mean Tidal Currents in Hampton Harbor Inlet, New Hampshire, USA”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2013.
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“The Perceptual Optimization of 2D Flow Visualizations Using Human-in-the-loop Local Hill Climbing”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2007.
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“Performance Evaluation of the Velodyne VLP-16 System for Surface Feature Surveying”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2017.
, “Potential for Non-Conventional Use of Split-Beam Phase Data in Bottom Detection”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
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“Potential Vorticity Dynamics Driving Variability in Mean Tidal Currents Flowing Through Bounded Estuarine Channels”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
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“Providing Nautical Chart Awareness to Autonomous Surface Vehicles”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Quantification of Marine Acoustic Environments”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
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“Quantifying Vertical Uncertainty and the Temporal Variability of the Seafloor to Inform Hydrographic Survey Priorities”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Quantitative Morphological Analysis of Submarine Canyon-channel Systems on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2011.
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“Real Time Motion Planning for Path Coverage with Applications in Ocean Surveying”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
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“The Relationship Between Oceanic Transform Fault Segmentation, Seismicity, and Thermal Structure”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.
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“Seafloor Characterization of the Historic Area Remediation Site Using Angular Range Analysis”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2007.
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“Seafloor Geology, Deglacial History, and Early Post Glacial Evolution of Eastern Juan De Fuca Strait”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2002.
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“Seafloor Habitat Characterization, Classification and Maps for the Lower Piscataqua River Estuary”, 2005.
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“Sediment Transport and the Temporal Stability of the Seafloor in the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary, NH: A Numerical Model Study”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
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“Sedimentary Environments and Depositional History of a Paraglacial, Estuarine Embayment and Adjacent Inner Continental Shelf: Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire,”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2016.
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“Split-Beam Echosounder Observations of Natural Methane Seep Variability in the Northern Gulf of Mexico”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“A Statistical Analysis for Estimating Fish Number Density with the Use of a Multibeam Echosounder”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2013.
, “Submerged aquatic vegetation and bedforms in eastern Cape Cod Bay: Spatial distributions, attributes and associations”, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2012.
, “A Tidal Study of Great Bay, New Hampshire”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.
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“Towards Automation of Volunteered and Authoritative Bathymetric Data Comparisons”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2023.
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“Uncertainity Analysis on Photogrammetry-Derived National Shoreline”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“Understanding Physical Properties of Gas Bubbles in the Ocean: How Does Reality Affect What We Think We Already Know?”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Underwater Communication Channel Characterization in the Southern California Off-shore Range”, 2004.
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“Underwater Tracking of Humpback Whales with High-frequency Pingers and Acoustic Recording Tags”, 2008.
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“Using Interactive Visualization to Enhance Understanding of a Fisheries Model”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“Utilizing an Extended Target for High Frequency Multi-beam Sonar Intensity Calibration”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.
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“Utilizing Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) and Ocean Exploration Mapping Data for Standardized Marine Ecological Classification of the U.S. Atlantic Margin”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2020.
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“A Wideband Acoustic Method for Direct Assessment of Bubble-Mediated Methane Flux”, Univeristy of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2018.
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“Wind, Wave, and Engineering Effects on Tidal Inlet Morphodynamics”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
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