
Author [ Keyword(Desc)] Title Type Year
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
C. Ware, Design as Applied Perception, in HCI Models, Theories and Frameworks, no. J. Carroll, Burlington, MA, USA: Morgan Kaufman, 2003, pp. 10-26.
C. de Moustier and Gallaudet, T. C., Detection of Sonar Induced Measurement Uncertainties in Environment Sensing: A Case Study with the Torodial Volume Search Sonar, in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Dordrecht, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Press, 2003, pp. 571-577.PDF icon deMoustier_2003_BookSec_Detection_of_sonar_induced_measurement_uncertainties_in_environmental_sensing.pdf (1.24 MB)
M. Jakobsson, Grantz, A., Kristoffersen, Y., and Macnab, M., Bathymetry and Physiography of the Arctic Ocean and Its Constituent Seas, in Arctic Ocean Organic Carbon Cycle: Present and Past, no. R. Stein & R.W. Macdonald, New York, NY, USA: Springer Publisher, 2003.
L. Alexander, Electronic Charts (Chapter 14), in The American Practical Navigator, Bethesda, MD, USA: National Imaging and Mapping Agency, 2003, pp. 199-215.PDF icon Alexander_2003_APN_Electronic_charts.pdf (278.37 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Jakobsson, M., and Armstrong, A. A., Evaluating U.S. data holdings relevant to the definition of continental shelf limits, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, 8th ed., no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2004, pp. 313-330.
D. Monahan, Determination of the Foot of the Continental Slope as the Point of Maximum Change in the Gradient at Its Base, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, 8th ed., no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2004, pp. 91-120.
S. Fuhrmann, Ahonen-Rainio, P., Edsall, R., Fabrikant, O. S., Koua, E. L., Tolon, C., Ware, C., and Wilson, S., Making Useful and Useable Geovisualization: Design and Evaluation Issues, in Exploring Geovisualization, no. J. Dykes, A.M. MacEachren & M.J. Kraak, New York, NY, USA: Elsevier, 2005, pp. 541-554.
C. Ware, Visual Queries: The Foundation of Visual Thinking, in Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for Synergies, no. S. Tergan & T. Keller, New York, NY, USA: Springer Publisher, 2005, pp. 25-33.
L. A. Mayer, Seafloor Mapping and Exploration in a Changing Arctic Sea Ice Environment, in Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, vol. 33, no. M.H Nordquist, J.N. Moore & T. Heider, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2010, pp. 83-106.
L. Fonseca and Mayer, L. A., Modeling High-Frequency Seafloor Backscattering of Gassy Sediments: The Eel River Margin Case. 2000.Image icon Fonseca_2000_Modeling_high-frequency_seafloor_backscattering_of_grassy_sed.jpg (1.3 MB)
L. Fonseca, Mayer, L. A., Yun, J., Driscoll, N. W., and Orange, D., Surficial Backscatter of the Eel River Margin: IT'S JUST GAS!. 2001.Image icon Fonseca_2001_Surficial_backscatter_of_Eel_river_margin-its_just_gas.jpg (499.55 KB)
J. I. Svendsen, Astakov, V., Alexanderson, H., Demidov, I., Dowdeswell, J., Gataulin, V., Henriksen, M., Hjort, C., and Jakobsson, M., The Maximum Extent of the Saalian and Weichselian Glaciations in Eurasis. 2001.Image icon Svendsen_2001_EUG_The_max_extent_of_Saalian_Weichselian_glaciations.jpg (761.75 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Martha's Vineyard Survey: Data collected by Bill Schwab and Bill Danforth - USGS. 2001.Image icon Mayer_2001_Marthas_Vineyard_survey.jpg (394.84 KB)
R. G. Cutter Jr., Rzhanov, Y., and Mayer, L. A., Automated Texture-based Segmentation of Multibeam Sonar Bathymetry Data for Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Piscataqua River, New Hampshire. 2002.Image icon Cutter_2002_BD_Automated_texture-based_seg_of_multibeam_sonar_for_benthic_habitat_mapping.jpg (825.58 KB)
B. Heap, Mariner Perceptions regarding the Display of Uncertainty on Nautical Charting Products. 2006.Image icon Heap_2006_Mariner_perceptions_regarding_display_of_uncertainty_on_nautical_charts.jpg (837.58 KB)
M. S. Boettcher, Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults. 2009.Image icon Boettcher_2009_RTF_Mid-Ocean_ridge_transform_faults.jpg (1.12 MB)
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Buttgenbach, G., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: A Revolution in Marine Navigation. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, 2001.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Buttgenbach, G., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart. Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, 2006, p. 293.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System, 3rd ed., no. Adam Kerr. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: GeoMares Publishing, 2009, pp. 1-322.
H. Hecht, Berking, B., Jonas, M., and Alexander, L., The Electronic Chart: Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Navigation System, 3rd ed., no. Adam Kerr. Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: GeoMares Publishing, 2010, pp. 1-441.
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., La Missione Atalanta e la politica estera dell’Unione Europea. Rome, Rome, Italy: Aracne Editrice, 2010.
J. V. Gardner, The Seafloor off Greater Los Angeles: Visualizing Gigabytes of Data, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 83, pp. 0-0, 2002.
D. S. Brogan and de Moustier, C., Bathymetry and Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a Volume Search Sonar, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 115, pp. 0-1, 2004.
C. de Moustier, Brogan, D. S., and Schimel, A. C. G., Calibrated Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a 160 kHz Multibeam Sonar, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 116, pp. 0-2, 2004.
C. de Moustier and Brogan, D. S., Comparison of Extended Kalman Filtering with Split-aperture Processing for Angle of Arrival Estimation in Multibeam Echo-sounding, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 119, pp. 0-3, 2006.
B. J. Kraft, de Moustier, C., Calder, B. R., and Mayer, L. A., High Resolution Mapping and Backscatter Studies in Support of the Ripples Program, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 120, pp. 3180-3180, 2006.
J. R. Morrison, Trowbridge, P., Pe'eri, S., Gregory, T. K., and Novak, M., Hyperspectral Airborne Remost Sensing for Assesing Water Quality and Clarity in the Great Bay Estuary of New Hampshire, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA, 2008.
B. R. Calder, On the Uncertainty of Archive Hydrographic Datasets, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 249-265, 2006.
C. Ware, 3D Contour Perception for Flow Visualization, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV). Boston, MA, USA, pp. 101-106, 2006.PDF icon Ware-2006-SIGGRAPH-3D-Contour-Perception-for-Flow-Visualization.pdf (264.46 KB)
S. P. Gulick, Lowe, L. A., Pavlis, T. L., Mayer, L. A., and Gardner, J. V., New Iinsights into the Transition Fault Debate: Propagating Strike-slip in Response to Stalled Subduction in the Gulf of Alaska, Geology, vol. 35. The Geological Society of America (GSA), pp. 763-766, 2007.PDF icon Gulick et al, 2007.pdf (704.2 KB)
R. G. Bohannon and Gardner, J. V., Submarine landslides of San Pedro Sea Valley, southwest of Long Beach, California, Marine Geology, vol. 203. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 261-268, 2004.PDF icon Bohannon-Gardner-2004.pdf (891.57 KB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Geomorphology acoustic backscatter and processes in Santa Monica Bay from multibeam mapping, Marine Environmental Research, vol. 56. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 15-46, 2003.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-2003-Santa-Monica.pdf (2.08 MB)
J. V. Gardner, Mapping Southern Puget Sound Delta Fronts after the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 82. American Geophysical Union , Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 485-489, 2001.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-Puget-Sound-2001.pdf (487.42 KB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Sulak, K. J., Calder, B. R., and Hellequin, L., Physiography and Late Quaternary-Holocene Processes of Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf off Mississippi and Alabama, Gulf of Mexico Science and International Journal. Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama, pp. 132-157, 2001.PDF icon Gardner-Pinnacles-2001.pdf (14.48 MB)
J. V. Gardner, Dartnell, P., Mayer, L. A., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Calder, B. R., and Duffy, G., Shelf-edge Deltas and Drowned Barrier-island Complexes on the Northwest Florida Outer Continental Shelf, Geomorphology, vol. 64. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 133-166, 2005.PDF icon Gardner-et-al-NWFlaPUBLISHED.pdf (8.56 MB)
D. Pineo and Ware, C., Data Visualization Optimization via a Computational Modeling of Perception, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA, pp. 309-320, 2012.
C. Ware, Friedlaender, A. S., and Nowacek, D. P., Shallow and Deep Lunge Feeding of Humpback Whales in Fjords of the West Antarctic Penninsula, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 27. Wiley, pp. 587-605, 2010.
M. L. Wolfson-Schwehr, Multibeam Observations of Mine Scour and Burial Near Clearwater, Florida, Including a Test of the VIMS 2D Burial Model, 2005.PDF icon Wolfson_2005_MS-Thesis_Multibeam_Observations_of_Mine_Scour_and_Burial.pdf (37.63 MB)
J. P. Ericson, Vorosmarty, C. J., Dingman, S. L., Ward, L. G., and Meybeck, M., Effective sea-level rise in deltas: Causes of change and human dimension implications, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 50. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 63-82, 2006.PDF icon Ericson_2005_GPC_Effective_sea-level_rise_and_deltas.pdf (839.07 KB)
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., L'Unione Europea contro la pirateria marittima nel Golfo di Aden, Informazioni della Difesa, vol. 6. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 10-15, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_2009_LUnione_Europea_contro_la_pirateria_770Aden.pdf (570.55 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Calder, B. R., Schmidt, J. S., and Malzone, C., Providing the Third Dimension: High-resolution Multibeam Sonar as a Tool for Archaeological Investigations - An Example from the D-day Beaches of Normandy, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Biloxi, MS, USA, pp. 0-16, 2003.PDF icon d-day-1944.pdf (1.27 MB)
G. Masetti and Carnevale, L., GIS e GeoDB: due acronimi per capire il mondo. Elementi teorici e spunti argomentativi sull'integrazione dei dati geografici, Rivista Marittima, vol. 3. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 91-100, 2010.
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., Tutela dell’ambiente marino: Le responsabilità degli Stati costieri nell’individuazione e nel monitoraggio dei relitti marini presenti nelle acque di propria giurisdizione, Gazzetta Ambiente, vol. 5. Gazzetta Ambiente, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 26-31, 2009.
G. Masetti, Carte nautiche elettroniche dell'I.I.M. e cartografia tecnica regionale: studio di fattibilita per una necessaria integrazione, Atti 13a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA. Bari, Bari, Italy, pp. 1387-1392, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_Carte_nautiche_elettroniche.pdf (790.43 KB)
G. Symonds and Lippmann, T. C., Surf on Tropical Islands, in Encyclopedia of Islands, 1st ed., vol. 2, no. R.G. Gillespie & D.A. Clague, Los Angeles, CA, USA: University of California Press, 2009, pp. 879-883.PDF icon symonds_lippmann_2009.pdf (1.4 MB)
D. Perkovic, Lippmann, T. C., and Frasier, S. J., Longshore Surface Currents Measured by Doppler Radar and Video PIV Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47(8). IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 2787-2800, 2009.PDF icon 14_perkovic_etal_2009.pdf (1.06 MB)
T. C. Lippmann and Smith, G. M., Shallow Surveying in Hazardous Waters, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). THSOA, Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 1-12, 2009.PDF icon 21_lippmann_smith_2009.pdf (3.74 MB)
T. C. Lippmann, Analytic solution for the forced mean cross-shore flow in the surf zone, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). ASCE, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 789-797, 2009.PDF icon 20_lippmann_2009.pdf (1.02 MB)
N. E. Kinner, Lippmann, T. C., Ravens, T., and Zufeldt, J., Climate Change Impacts and Research Needs for DoD Assets in Alaska's Coastal Regions, U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), 2009.PDF icon 22_kinner_etal_2009.pdf (1.16 MB)
T. C. Lippmann and Bowen, T., The Vertical Structure of Low Frequency Motions in the Nearshore, Part 2: Theory, Journal of Physical Oceanography , vol. 46(12). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 3713-3727, 2016.PDF icon jpo_final_part2.pdf (847.35 KB)
L. A. Mayer, Brumley, K., Andronikov, A., Chayes, D. N., Armstrong, A. A., Calder, B. R., Hall, J. K., Clyde, W. C., Bothner, W. A., and Gardner, J. V., Recent Mapping and Sampling on the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha/Medeleev Ridge, American Geophysical Union (AGU), vol. 89. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
T. C. Weber, Lyons, A. P., and Bradley, D. L., An Estimate of the Gas Transfer Rate from Oceanic Bubbles Derived from Multibeam Sonar Observations of a Ship Wake, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 110. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 1-11, 2005.
L. Fonseca and Carrasco, B., Use of geographical information system, digital image processing and terrestrial photogrametry for tracing elements and lithofacies on outcrop images, Herriot-Watt and Stanford University Reservoir Description Forum (HWSURDF). Edinburgh, UK, 1995.
C. de Moustier and Alexandrou, D., Angular dependence of 12-kHz seafloor acoustic backscatter, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 90. Acoustical Society of America, Melville, NY, USA, pp. 522-531, 1991.
L. A. Mayer, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Wells, D. E., and Ware, C., A multi-faceted acoustic ground-truthing experiment in the Bay of Fundy, Acoustic Classification and Mapping of the Seabed, vol. 15. Bath, UK, UK, pp. 203-220, 1993.
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Gardner, J. V., Torresan, M., and Mayer, L. A., The limits of spatial resolution achievable using a 30kHz multibeam sonar: model predictions and field results, IEEE Oceans, vol. 3. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1823-1827, 1998.
J. V. Gardner, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Mayer, L. A., Kleiner, A., and Paton, M., Mapping a Continental Shelf and Slope in the 1990s: A Tale of Three Multibeams, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Sydney, Australia, pp. 0-11, 1999.
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Mayer, L. A., Shaw, J., Parrott, R., Lamplugh, M., and Bradford, J., Data handling methods and target detection results for multibeam and sidescan data collected as part of the search for SwissAir Flight 111, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 0-11, 1999.
S. M. Smith, The Navigation Surface: A Multipurpose Bathymetric Database, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2003.
L. Alexander and Ward, R. W., We Visited for You - 2nd International ECDIS Conference, Hydro International, vol. 7. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1-38, 2003.
Own-ship Risk
B. R. Calder, On Risk-Based Expression of Hydrographic Uncertainty, Marine Geodesy, vol. 38(2). Taylor & Francis, pp. 99-127, 2015.
Parabolic Equations
J. Miksis-Olds and Miller, J. H., Using Parabolic Equations to Model Sound Propagation in Manatee Habitats, European Cetacean Society 2003. European Cetacean Society, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2003.
paraglacial beaches
N. W. Corcoran, Ward, L. G., and McAvoy, Z. S., Temporal and Spatial Variability in Sediment Texture on Northern, Paraglacial Beaches: New Hampshire, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Northeastern Section. p. Burlington, VT, 2018.
Parallel Processing
B. R. Calder and Venugopal, R., Hydrographic Data Processing on a Robust, Network-Coupled Parallel Cluster, 6th International Conference on High-Resolution Survey in Shallow Water. Wellington, New Zealand, 2012.
B. R. Calder, Parallel and Distributed Performance of a Depth Estimation Algorithm, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon Calder_ParallelDistributedPerformance.pdf (1.87 MB)
Parallel processing; CHRT; CUBE; Data-driven estimation; Branch and bound; Bathymetric data processing; Surface estimation
B. R. Calder, Parallel Variable-Resolution Bathymetric Estimation with Static Load Balancing, Computers and Geosciences, vol. 123. Elsevier, pp. 72-82, 2019.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring
J. Miksis-Olds, Van Opzeeland, I. C., Van Parijs, S., and Jones, J., Pinniped Sounds in the Polar Oceans, in Listening in the Ocean: New Discoveries and Insights on Marine Life From Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitors (PAM), W. W. Au and Lammers, M. O., Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2016, pp. 257-308.
B. Howe, Miksis-Olds, J., Rehm, E., Sagen, H., Worcester, P. F., and Haralabus, G., Observing the Oceans Acoustically, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6. p. 426, 2019.PDF icon Howe et al_2019_Frontiers.pdf (6.67 MB)
C. C. Wall, Haver, S. M., Hatch, L., Miksis-Olds, J., Bochenek, R., Dziak, R. P., and Gedamke, J., The Next Wave of Passive Acoustic Data Management: How Centralized Access Can Enhance Science, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8:703682. 2021.
S. M. Kohlbrenner, Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., Kastrisios, C., Schmidt, V., and Kashyap, A., Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring, 30th International Cartographic Conference. International Cartographic Association, Florence, Italy, 2021.
C. Kastrisios, Schmidt, V., Kohlbrenner, S. M., Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., and Kashyap, A., Roads of the Sea, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
pattern mining
A. Troupiotis-Kapeliaris, Zissis, D., Kohlbrenner, S. M., and Kastrisios, C., Mobility Data Mining: The Maritime Use Case, 2024 11th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace). IEEE, Lublin, Poland, pp. 207-212, 2024.PDF icon Troupiotis_2024_Mobility Data Mining_2024111452.pdf (1.52 MB)
A. Troupiotis-Kapeliaris, Kastrisios, C., and Zissis, D., Vessel Trajectory Data Mining: A Review, IEEE Access, vol. 13. IEEE, IEEE Access, pp. 4827-4856, 2025.
penobscot bay
A. A. Armstrong, Owen, H., Bothner, W. A., Ward, L. G., and Moyles, D., Shallow Water Multibeam Data Analysis of Complex Bedrock Geology in Penobscot Bay, Maine, 8th Annual International Conference on High Resolution Surveys in Shallow Water. p. St. John's, NL, Canada, 2018.
Petermann Glacier; marine mammals; ice-tongue fjord; Arctic seals; sea ice; Pusa hispida; Erignathus barbatus; Crystophora cristata; Pagophilus groenlandicus
K. Lomac-MacNair, Jakobsson, M., Mix, A. C., Freire, F. F., Hogan, K., Mayer, L. A., and Smultea, M. Ann, Seal Occurrence and Habitat Use during Summer in Petermann Fjord, Northwestern Greenland, Arctic, vol. 71(3):334. Arctic Institute of North America, 2018.
V. Schmidt, Weber, T. C., and Lurton, X., Optimizing Resolution and Uncertainty in Bathymetric Sonar Systems, Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results. Corfu, Greece, 2013.
V. Schmidt, A New Method for Generation of Soundings from Phase-Difference Measurements, 2014 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. St. John's, NF, Canada, 2014.PDF icon CHC2014_ValSchmidt_paper_vfinal.pdf (9.18 MB)
F. Yao, Parrish, C. E., Calder, B. R., Pe'eri, S., and Rzhanov, Y., Photogrammetry-Derived National Shoreline: Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, 2013 Fall Meeting, American Geological Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2013.
Physical Environment
B. M. Sullivan, Status Update on S-126, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2018.PDF icon NIPWG 5-21.2 Status report S126.pdf (159.57 KB)
W. denToom and Sullivan, B. M., S-126 Physical Environment: Status of Development, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2017.PDF icon NIPWG 4-15.1 S-126 comparison.pdf (114.62 KB)
B. M. Sullivan, S-111 and S-126: Surface Currents and the Physical Environment a Test Case, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2017.PDF icon NIPWG 4 WP3-01 S-111 and S-126.pdf (2.14 MB)
physical processes
S. Loranger and Weber, T. C., Detection and Quantification of Submerged Oil Droplets by a Broadband, High-frequency Echo Sounder, 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. p. Tampa, FL, 2016.
J. Miksis-Olds, Van Opzeeland, I. C., Van Parijs, S., and Jones, J., Pinniped Sounds in the Polar Oceans, in Listening in the Ocean: New Discoveries and Insights on Marine Life From Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitors (PAM), W. W. Au and Lammers, M. O., Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2016, pp. 257-308.
plunge pools
L. A. Mayer and Gardner, J. V., Cascades and Plunge Pools in the Gulf of Alaska, in Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient, vol. Memoirs, London, UK: Geological Society of London , 2016, pp. 389-390.
V. Schmidt, A New Method for Generation of Soundings from Phase-Difference Measurements, 2014 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. St. John's, NF, Canada, 2014.PDF icon CHC2014_ValSchmidt_paper_vfinal.pdf (9.18 MB)
Polar Oceans
J. Miksis-Olds, Van Opzeeland, I. C., Van Parijs, S., and Jones, J., Pinniped Sounds in the Polar Oceans, in Listening in the Ocean: New Discoveries and Insights on Marine Life From Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitors (PAM), W. W. Au and Lammers, M. O., Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2016, pp. 257-308.
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Marine Object Manager as Information Fusion Tool for Detected and Database-Stored Shipwrecks, WRECKS OF THE WORLD III: Shipwreck Risk Assessment. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015.
C. Kastrisios, Contarinis, S., Butkiewicz, T., Nakos, B., Sullivan, B. M., Harmon, C., Christie, E., and Bartlett, M., Efforts for Developing Symbology for New S-1xx PS, IHO Nautical Cartography Working Group (NCWG), Wollongong, Australia, 2022.
C. Kastrisios and Ware, C., Data Quality Indicators for Bathymetric Data on ECDIS Display, IHO Nautical Cartography Working Group (NCWG), Wollongong, Australia, 2022.
S. Contarinis, Kastrisios, C., and Nakos, B., S-122 Portrayal and Integration Concepts and Services, Canadian Hydrographic Conference . p. Ottawa, Canada, 2022.
C. Kastrisios, Contarinis, S., Butkiewicz, T., Nakos, B., Sullivan, B. M., Harmon, C., Christie, E., and Bartlett, M., User-Centered Design of Nautical Chart Symbols, 2023 US Hydro Conference. p. Mobile, AL, 2023.
Post-processed GNSS Solution
B. R. Calder, Dijkstra, S. J., Hoy, S., Himschoot, K., and Schofield, A., Design of a Trusted Community Bathymetry System, 2018 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2018.PDF icon 2018-02-19_Calder_etal_TrustedCommunityBathymetry_CHC18.pdf (1.6 MB)
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Alexander, L., Potentially Polluting Marine Sites GeoDB: An S-100 Geospatial Database as an Effective Contribution to the Protection of the Marine Environment, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 8. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 27-40, 2012.PDF icon PPMS_GeoDB_IHR_2012.pdf (1.41 MB)
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., A Risk Index Methodology for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS), Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(3). Springer, pp. 391-405, 2014.
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Design of a standardized geo-database for risk monitoring of potentially polluting marine sites, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(1). Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 138-149, 2013.
G. Masetti, A Geo-database for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites and Associated Risk Index, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.PDF icon masetti-giuseppe-thesis.pdf (14.38 MB)
predictive analytics
A. Troupiotis-Kapeliaris, Zissis, D., Kohlbrenner, S. M., and Kastrisios, C., Mobility Data Mining: The Maritime Use Case, 2024 11th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace). IEEE, Lublin, Poland, pp. 207-212, 2024.PDF icon Troupiotis_2024_Mobility Data Mining_2024111452.pdf (1.52 MB)
A. Troupiotis-Kapeliaris, Kastrisios, C., and Zissis, D., Vessel Trajectory Data Mining: A Review, IEEE Access, vol. 13. IEEE, IEEE Access, pp. 4827-4856, 2025.
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
Pure sciences; Applied sciences; Earth sciences; Echosounder; Gulf of Mexico; Marine Gas Seep; Methane; Methane Hydrate; Sonar
K. Jerram, Split-Beam Echosounder Observations of Natural Methane Seep Variability in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014.PDF icon jerram-thesis-2014.pdf (2.42 MB)
D. Manda and Masetti, G., Pydro & HydrOffice: Open Tools for Ocean Mappers, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.
G. Masetti and Faulkes, T., Pydro and HydrOffice, Effective Seabed Mapping Workflow. Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2019.
T. Faulkes, Wilson, M. J., Masetti, G., Cziraki, E., Wozumi, T., and Zhang, C., From Vision to Reality: Implementing NOAA's Re-envisioned Hydrographic Survey Specifications, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 2024.
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Finding Fliers: New Techniques and Metrics, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Wilson_USHydro_2017_Finding_Fliers.pdf (1.22 MB)
quality control
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Automated Tools to Improve the Ping-to-Chart Workflow, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 21-30, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_QCTools.pdf (801.62 KB)
Quality of Bathymetric Data
C. Kastrisios and Ware, C., Data Quality Indicators for Bathymetric Data on ECDIS Display, IHO Nautical Cartography Working Group (NCWG), Wollongong, Australia, 2022.
Quality Symbol
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., A Risk Index Methodology for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS), Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(3). Springer, pp. 391-405, 2014.
G. Masetti, A Geo-database for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites and Associated Risk Index, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.PDF icon masetti-giuseppe-thesis.pdf (14.38 MB)
quantum efficiency; camera sensor characterization; color constancy
Y. Rzhanov, Accurate Determination of Camera Quantum Efficiency from a Single Image, Journaling of Imaging, vol. 10(7). 2024.PDF icon Rzhanov-24-CameraQuantumEfficiency.pdf (3.12 MB)
C. E. Parrish, Rogers, J., and Calder, B. R., Assessment of Waveform Shape Features for Lidar Uncertainty Modeling in a Coastal Salt Marsh Environment, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. Vol. 11, No. 2. IEEE, pp. 569 - 573, 2014.
Ranking System
B. R. Calder, Estimating Observer and Data Reputation in Mariner-volunteered Bathymetry, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 2021. International Hydrographic Organisation, Monaco, pp. 77-96, 2021.
ray tracing
G. Masetti, Kelley, J. G., Johnson, P., and Beaudoin, J., A Ray-Tracing Uncertainty Estimation Tool for Ocean Mapping, IEEE Access, vol. 6. IEEE, pp. 2136 - 2144, 2017.PDF icon preprint_08183436.pdf (906.82 KB)
Real-time Underkeel Clearance
B. R. Calder, On Risk-Based Expression of Hydrographic Uncertainty, Marine Geodesy, vol. 38(2). Taylor & Francis, pp. 99-127, 2015.
Red king crab · Paralithodes camtschaticus · Nursery habitat dynamics · Predator–prey interaction · Habitat complexity · Refuge · Gadus macrocephalus
J. L. Pirtle, Eckert, G. L., and Stoner, A. W., Habitat structure influences the survival and predator-prey interactions of early juvenile red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 465. pp. 169-184, 2012.PDF icon Pirtle et al. 2012_MEPS.pdf (466.68 KB)
refraction effects
R. E. Hansen, Lyons, A. P., Sæbø, T. O., Callow, H. J., and Cook, D. A., The Effect of Internal Wave-Related Features on Synthetic Aperture Sonar, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 40, No. 3. IEEE, pp. 621-631, 2015.PDF icon IEEE_JOE_vol_40_pages_621-631.pdf (2.88 MB)
V. Schmidt, Weber, T. C., and Lurton, X., Optimizing Resolution and Uncertainty in Bathymetric Sonar Systems, Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results. Corfu, Greece, 2013.
Resolution Detemination
B. R. Calder, Resolution Determination through Level of Aggregation Analysis, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon Calder_USHydro19_LevelOfAggregationAnalysis.pdf (815.13 KB)
Riegl VQ-880-G
F. Eren, Jung, J., Parrish, C. E., Forfinski, N., and Calder, B. R., Total Vertical Uncertainty (TVU) modeling for topo-bathymetric lidar systems, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 85. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp. 585-596, 2019.
risk assessment
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., A Risk Index Methodology for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS), Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(3). Springer, pp. 391-405, 2014.
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Marine Object Manager as Information Fusion Tool for Detected and Database-Stored Shipwrecks, WRECKS OF THE WORLD III: Shipwreck Risk Assessment. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015.
Risk Index
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., A Risk Index Methodology for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS), Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(3). Springer, pp. 391-405, 2014.
G. Masetti, A Geo-database for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites and Associated Risk Index, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2012.PDF icon masetti-giuseppe-thesis.pdf (14.38 MB)
Risk Models
B. R. Calder, On Risk-Based Expression of Hydrographic Uncertainty, Marine Geodesy, vol. 38(2). Taylor & Francis, pp. 99-127, 2015.
Risk Monitoring
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Design of a standardized geo-database for risk monitoring of potentially polluting marine sites, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(1). Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 138-149, 2013.
river delta; submarine landslides; turbidity current; geohazard; mass failure; sediment flow
M. A. Clare, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Talling, P. J., Cartigny, M. J. B., and Pratomo, D. G., Preconditioning and Triggering of Offshore Slope Failures and Turbidity Currents Revealed by Most Detailed Monitoring Yet at a Fjord-Head Delta, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 450. Elsevier, pp. 208-220, 2016.
Roads of the Sea
S. M. Kohlbrenner, Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., Kastrisios, C., Schmidt, V., and Kashyap, A., Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring, 30th International Cartographic Conference. International Cartographic Association, Florence, Italy, 2021.
C. Kastrisios, Schmidt, V., Kohlbrenner, S. M., Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., and Kashyap, A., Roads of the Sea, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
V. Schmidt, A Solution to TSP for Survey Line Segments, North East Robotics Colloquium. Lowell, MA, 2022.PDF icon NERC_2022_ValSchmidt.pdf (550.08 KB)
S. Reed and Schmidt, V., Nautical Chart Awareness for Autonomous Surface Vehicles, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.PDF icon Reed_Sam_CHC_Journal.pdf (599.98 KB)
R. Arsenault and Schmidt, V., A Mapping Focused Open-Sourced Software Framework for Autonomous Surface Vehicles, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon 202-4Du6-2810.pdf (143.96 KB)
S. Contarinis and Kastrisios, C., Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure, in The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, 2022.
C. Kastrisios, Sullivan, B. M., Powell, J., and Baek, Y., Hydrographic Geospatial Data Standards, in The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, 2nd Quarter 2022 nd ed., 2022.
T. Butkiewicz, Atkin, I., Sullivan, B. M., Kastrisios, C., Stevens, A. H., and Beregovyi, K., Web-based Visualization of Integrated NextGeneration S-100 Hydrographic Datasets, Oceans 2022. Hampton Roads, VA, 2022.
S-121 Maritime Limits and Boundaries
K. Athanasiou, Dimopoulou, E., Kastrisios, C., and Tsoulos, L., Management of Marine Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities according to International Standards, 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop. Athens, Greece, pp. 81-104, 2016.
S-121 Maritime limits and boundaries (MLB)
K. Athanasiou, Sutherland, M., Kastrisios, C., Tsoulos, L., Griffith-Charles, C., Davis, D., and Dimopoulou, E., Toward the Development of a Marine Administration System Based on International Standards, International Journal of Geo-Information , vol. 6(7). MDPI, 2017.
S. Engstrom, Sullivan, B. M., and Lewald, R. D., Navigational Services S-125, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2017.PDF icon NIPWG 5_13.1_S125_Status_update.pdf (168.75 KB)
S. Engstrom, Sullivan, B. M., and Lewald, R. D., Current work status of S-125 Navigational Services, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, 2016.PDF icon NIPWG 3-28.1_S-125_NavigationalSerevices.pdf (281.8 KB)
