
Author [ Keyword(Asc)] Title Type Year
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Chart of the Future
L. Alexander, e-Navigation, ECDIS and MIOs: At Present and in the Future, eNavigation Conference. Seattle, WA, USA, 2008.
K. Schwehr, Plumlee, M. D., Sullivan, B. M., and Ware, C., GeoCoastPilot - Linking the Coast Pilot with Geo-referenced Imagery & Chart Information, Shallow Water Survey Conference (SWS). Durham, NH, USA, 2008.PDF icon Schwehr_08_SNPWG_GeoCoastPilot.pdf (973.38 KB)
M. D. Plumlee, Schwehr, K., Alexander, L., Sullivan, B. M., and Ware, C., GeoCoastPilot: A Better Way of Organizing and Displaying Information in Support of Port Familiarization, IEEE Oceans. Biloxi, MS, USA, 2009.PDF icon Plumlee_09_Oceans_GeoCoastPilot_a_better_way_of_organizing_info_support_port_familiarization.pdf (1.75 MB)
I. Gonin, Johnson, G., Shalaev, R., Tetreault, B., and Alexander, L., USCG Development, Test and Evaluation of AIS Binary Messages for Enhanced VTS Operations, Institute of Navigation. Anaheim, CA, USA, 2009.
P. A. McGillivary, Schwehr, K., and Fall, K., Enhancing AIS to Improve Whale-Ship Collision Avoidance and Maritime Security, IEEE Oceans. Biloxi, MS, USA, 2009.
L. Alexander and Schwehr, K., Establishing an IALA AIS Binary Message Register: Recommended Process, International Association of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM). Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, pp. 108-115, 2010.
M. J. Wilson, Miller, J. J., Self Miller, V., Mortimer, K., and Wyllie, K., Improved Raster Navigation Products From High Resolution Source Data, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.PDF icon Wilson_2011_USHYDRO_port_of_norfolk_project.pdf (7.43 MB)
K. Schwehr, Google's Spatial Tools in the Marine Environment - Decision Support, Google Tech Talk. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
M. Jacobi, Braswell, R., Merten, A. A., Kinner, N. E., and Schwehr, K., Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) - Web-based GIS Data Display and Management System for Oil Spill Planning and Environmental Response, Coastal Geotools. Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 2009.
K. Schwehr and Alexander, L., Right Whale AIS Project (RAP): Acoustic Detections in the Boston Approaches, Inland Navigation Technology. Vicksburg, MS, USA, 2009.
L. Alexander and Schwehr, K., Concept: IALA AIS Binary Messages Web Site for Message Catalog and Register, International Association of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM). Key West, FL, USA, 2009.
K. Schwehr, Brennan, R. T., Sellars, J., and Smith, S. M., Discovery of Marine Datasets and Geospatial Metadata Visualization, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009.
D. N. Wiley, Brown, M. W., Clark, C., Hatch, L., Johnson, L., Koyama, K., Merrick, R., Schwehr, K., Siber, G., Tetreault, B., and Thompson, M. A., Minimizing Vessel Strikes to Endangered Whales: A Crash Course in Conservation Science and Policy, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, 2009.
C. Azuike, Pe'eri, S., Alexander, L., Parrish, C. E., and Armstrong, A. A., Development of a Geo-spatial Analysis Methodology for Assessing the Adequacy of Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charts, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
S. Pe'eri, Azuike, C., Alexander, L., Parrish, C. E., and Armstrong, A. A., Beyond the Chart: The use of Satellite Remote Sensing for Assessing the Adequacy and Completeness Information, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
chart adequacy
A. Klemm, Pe'eri, S., Sartor, C., Nyberg, J., and Barber, J. E., Chart Adequacy Procedure Using Publicly-Available Information, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.
L. P. Snyder, Nyberg, J., Smith, S. M., Pe'eri, S., Madore, B., Rogers, J., Lowell, J., and DeAngelis, R., Chart Adequacy Evaluation of the Coastal Water of Haiti Using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Survey (NOS), Silver Spring, MD, 2016.PDF icon TM_NOS_CS35_FY16_Snyder_ChartAdequacyEval.pdf (19.13 MB)
S. Pe'eri, Klemm, A., and Wigley, R., First NOAA Chart Adequacy Workshop, Hydro International. Hydro International, The Netherlands, p. 39, 2015.PDF icon We_Visited_You_Hydro_International_2015.pdf (35.82 KB)
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Kastrisios, C., Automated Identification of Discrepancies Between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7. MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 392, 2018.
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Kastrisios, C., Hydrographic Survey Validation and Chart Adequacy Assessment Using Automated Solutions, U.S. Hydro 2019. Biloxi, MS, USA, 2019.PDF icon USHydro2019_Masetti_et_al_Hydrographic_Survey_Validation_and_Chart_Adequacy_Assessment.pdf (882.67 KB)
change-point analysis
J. Miksis-Olds, Martin, B., Lowell, K., Verlinden, C., and Heaney, K., Minimal COVID-19 Quieting Measured in the Deep, Offshore Waters of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, vol. 2(9). p. 090801, 2022.
change detection
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Kastrisios, C., Automated Identification of Discrepancies Between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7. MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 392, 2018.
W. Lingzhi and Kastrisios, C., Cross Check of Data Quality Chapters of S-1xx Product Specifications, 2022 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Ottawa, Canada, 2022.
J. Affonso, Kastrisios, C., Christopher, P., and Calder, B. R., A Geographically Adaptive Model for Satellite Derived Bathymetry, 2022 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Ottawa, Canada, 2022.
C. Kastrisios and Ware, C., Data Quality Indicators for Bathymetric Data on ECDIS Display, IHO Nautical Cartography Working Group (NCWG), Wollongong, Australia, 2022.
L. A. Mayer and Gardner, J. V., Cascades and Plunge Pools in the Gulf of Alaska, in Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient, vol. Memoirs, London, UK: Geological Society of London , 2016, pp. 389-390.
cartographic knowledge acquisition
C. Kastrisios and Calder, B. R., Industry Discovery for Ocean Mapping Workflow Associated Challenges, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
cartographic constraint
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Sounding Labels and Scale for Bathymetric Data Generalization in Nautical Cartography, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Label-Based Generalization of Bathymetry Data for Hydrographic Sounding Selection, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 49(4). Taylor & Francis, 2022.
Captive Dolphins
J. Miksis-Olds, Tyack, P. L., and Buck, J. R., Captive Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, Develop Signature Whistles That Match Acoustic Features of Human-Made Model Sounds, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 112 (2). Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, pp. 728-739, 2002.
canopy height
A. R. Norton and Dijkstra, S. J., Detecting and Characterizing the Deep Edge and Canopy Height of Eelgrass Beds Using a Multi-beam Echosounder, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference. Portland, OR, 2015.
Canny Edges
H. Hu, Rzhanov, Y., Hatcher, P. J., and R. Bergeron, D., Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching Based on Image Edges, 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, vol. 9631. SPIE, Los Angeles, CA, 2015.PDF icon yuri-SICDIP-96311D.pdf (572.27 KB)
california sea lions
C. Ware, Alternating Asymmetric Swimming Strokes in California Sea Lions, 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Society for Marine Mammalogy, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
I. Guimaraes and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Calibrating broadband multibeam seabed backscatter, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Quebec City, 2020.PDF icon Guimaraes_CHC2020_abstract_202-TKqb-2110.pdf (190.28 KB)
caledonian suture
T. M. O'Brien, Brumley, K., Miller, E. L., and Mayer, L. A., The Caledonian suture in the high Arctic? New Data from the Chukchi Borderland, Amerasia Basin, 2013 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2013.
bubble washdown
J. E. Hughes Clarke, Fitzgerald, K., Leach, T., Wang, H., Cheng, T., Hoy, S., Hagg, R., and Walker, K., Monitoring Bubble Washdown Over a Deep-Water Multibeam Ping Cycle, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, p. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon JHC_CHC2020_abstract_202-NMEp-2110.pdf (187.89 KB)
I. Guimaraes and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Calibrating broadband multibeam seabed backscatter, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Quebec City, 2020.PDF icon Guimaraes_CHC2020_abstract_202-TKqb-2110.pdf (190.28 KB)
G. Masetti, HydrOffice: Past, Present, and Future, NOAA OCS Field Procedures Workshop. p. Portland, OR, 2018.
Breaking waves
S. Chopakatla, Lippmann, T. C., and Richardson, J., Field verification of a CFD model for wave transformation and breaking in the surf zone, Journal of Waterways Port Coastal Engineering, vol. 134 (2). ASCE, pp. 71-80, 2008.PDF icon 12_chopakatla_etal_2008.pdf (893.98 KB)
Boundary Layer Flow
T. C. Lippmann, Subtidal Flow Structure in Tidally Modulated Inlets, Coastal Dynamics 2013, vol. 1. ASCE, Plymouth, England, United Kingdom, 2013.PDF icon 130_lippmann_thomas.pdf (7.65 MB)
Boundaries delimitation
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., Maritime Zones Delimitation Problems and Solutions, International Cartographic Conference (ICC), vol. 1. International Cartographic Association (ICA), Washington, DC, 2017.PDF icon Kastrisios_Tsoulos_2017_ICC_Maritime zones delimitation-Problems and solutions_ICC 2017 Proceedings.pdf (1.25 MB)
Bottom sample imagery
S. Robinson, Ping Once Use many times: NOAA Wilmington NC 2016 Field Season, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. p. Galveston, TX, 2017.
bottom return characteristics
F. Eren, Pe'eri, S., and Rzhanov, Y., Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) Waveform Analysis for Bottom Return Characteristics, SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing. Baltimore, MD, 2016.
Botrylloides violaceus
A. L. Chase, Dijkstra, J. A., and Harris, L. G., The Influence of Substrate Material on Ascidian Larval Settlement, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 106. Elsevier, pp. 35-42, 2016.PDF icon Chase et al. 2016.pdf (1.14 MB)
Bias Estimation
B. R. Calder, Distribution-free, Variable Resolution Depth Estimation with Composite Uncertainty, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon calder_distributionfreedepthestimation.pdf (813.94 KB)
benthic-palagic coupling
M. Wengrove, Foster, D., Kalnejais, L., Purcuoco, V., and Lippmann, T. C., Field and laboratory observations of bed stress and associated nutrient release in a tidal estuary, Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, vol. 161. Elsevier, pp. 11-24, 2015.PDF icon 17_wengrove_etal_2015.pdf (2.37 MB)
Beer-Lambert law
T. Adams, Beets, P., and Parrish, C. E., Extracting More Data from LiDAR in Forested Areas by Analyzing Waveform Shape, Remote Sensing, vol. 4. MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 682-702, 2012.PDF icon remotesensing-04-00682-v2-1.pdf (3.89 MB)
bedrock geology
A. A. Armstrong, Owen, H., Bothner, W. A., Ward, L. G., and Moyles, D., Shallow Water Multibeam Data Analysis of Complex Bedrock Geology in Penobscot Bay, Maine, 8th Annual International Conference on High Resolution Surveys in Shallow Water. p. St. John's, NL, Canada, 2018.
beam diagnostics
M. Birkebak, Eren, F., Pe'eri, S., and Rzhanov, Y., Underwater-Detector Array for Laser Beam Diagnostics, 16th Annual JALBTCX Airborne Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop. Corvallis, OR, 2015.
L. G. Ward, McPherran, K. A., McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., New Hampshire Beaches: Sediment Characterization, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
beach erosion
L. G. Ward, Assessing the Stability of New Hampshire Beaches: Research Involving the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire State Agencies, and Citizen Scientists, The Beaches Conferences 2019: Our Maine and New Hampshire Beaches and Coast. p. Kittery, ME, 2019.
Bay-closing lines
C. Kastrisios and Tsoulos, L., An Integrated GIS Methodology for the Determination and Delineation οf Juridical Bays, Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 122. Elsevier, pp. 30-36, 2016.
V. Schmidt, A New Method for Generation of Soundings from Phase-Difference Measurements, 2014 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. St. John's, NF, Canada, 2014.PDF icon CHC2014_ValSchmidt_paper_vfinal.pdf (9.18 MB)
L. G. Ward, McAvoy, Z. S., Johnson, P., and Greenaway, S. F., Use of high resolution bathymetry and backscatter for mapping depositional environments on the New Hampshire continental shelf, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Northeastern Section. Bretton Woods, NH, 2015.
M. Jakobsson, Mayer, L. A., and Monahan, D., Arctic Ocean Bathymetry: A Necessary Geospatial Framework, ARCTIC, vol. 68, No. 5. Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary, Canada, pp. 41-47, 2015.PDF icon jakobsson-mayer-monahan-arctic-2015.pdf (500.23 KB)
S. Byrne, Schmidt, V., Hegrenaes, O., and Brodet, S., AUV-Acquired Bathymetry, Methods: Scrutinizing AUV Mission Planning, Operations and Data Processing, Sea Technology, vol. 11. pp. 17-22, 2015.
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Finding Fliers: New Techniques and Metrics, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Wilson_USHydro_2017_Finding_Fliers.pdf (1.22 MB)
B. R. Calder and Elmore, P. A., Development of an Uncertainty Propagation Equation for Scalar Fields, Marine Geodesy, vol. 40, 5. Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 341-360, 2017.PDF icon calder-marine-geodesy-2017.pdf (2.27 MB)
L. Gee, Raineault, N. A., Kane, R., Saunders, M., Heffron, E., Embley, R. W., and Merle, S. G., Seep Detection Using E/V Nautilus Integrated Seafloor Mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicles on the United States West Coast, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
N. A. Raineault, Ballard, R., Fahy, J., Mayer, L. A., Heffron, E., Kranosky, K., Roman, C., Schmidt, V., McLeod, A., Bursek, J., and Broad, K., Correlating Sea Level Rise Still-stands to Marine Terraces and Undiscovered Submerged Shoreline Features in the Channel Islands (USA) Using Autonomous and Remotely Operated Systems, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
J. E. Conrad, Dartnell, P., Raineault, N. A., Brothers, D. S., Roland, E. C., Kane, R., Gee, L., Walton, M. A. L., Heffron, E., and Saunders, M., New Seafloor Bathymetry and Backscatter Mapping of the Southern California Borderland, 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2018.
B. R. Calder and Dijkstra, S. J., A Design for a Trusted Community Bathymetry System, Marine Geodesy. Taylor and Francis, 2020.
C. O'Heran and Calder, B. R., Horizontal Calibration of Vessels with UASs, Marine Geodesy. Taylor and Francis, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Johnson, P., Nagel, E., McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., Western Gulf of Maine Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Sounding Labels and Scale for Bathymetric Data Generalization in Nautical Cartography, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Chart Features, Data Quality, and Scale in Cartographic Sounding Selection from Composite Bathymetric Data, Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
C. Ware, Mayer, L. A., and Johnson, P., BathyGlobe GapFiller: A Planning Tool to Help Fill the Gaps in World Bathymetry, The International Hydrographic Review, vol. 29(2). International Hydrographic Organization, pp. 16-27, 2023.
D. Sowers, Mayer, L. A., Masetti, G., Cordes, E., Gasbarro, R., Lobecker, E., Cantwell, K., Candio, S., Hoy, S., Malik, M. A., White, M., and Dornback, M., Mapping and Geomorphic Characterization of the Vast Cold-Water Coral Mounds of the Blake Plateau, Geomatics, vol. 4(1). MDPI, pp. 17-47, 2024.
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Label-Based Generalization of Bathymetry Data for Hydrographic Sounding Selection, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 49(4). Taylor & Francis, 2022.
Bathymetric Processing
B. R. Calder, Resolution Determination through Level of Aggregation Analysis, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon Calder_USHydro19_LevelOfAggregationAnalysis.pdf (815.13 KB)
Bathymetric Modeling
B. R. Calder, On Risk-Based Expression of Hydrographic Uncertainty, Marine Geodesy, vol. 38(2). Taylor & Francis, pp. 99-127, 2015.
B. R. Calder, Resolution Determination through Level of Aggregation Analysis, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.PDF icon Calder_USHydro19_LevelOfAggregationAnalysis.pdf (815.13 KB)
bathymetric mapping
K. Lowell, Calder, B. R., and Lyons, A. P., Developing Machine Learning Models for Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement of Bathymetry Extraction from Lidar Point Clouds, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon Lowell_Calder_CHC2020_Final.pdf (638.59 KB)
K. Lowell, Calder, B. R., and Lyons, A. P., Measuring Shallow-water Bathymetric Signal Strength in Lidar Point Attribute Data Using Machine Learning, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 35(8) (DOI:10.1080/13658816.2020.1925790). Taylor and Francis, pp. 1592-1610, 2021.
Bathymetric Estimation
B. R. Calder, Distribution-free, Variable Resolution Depth Estimation with Composite Uncertainty, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon calder_distributionfreedepthestimation.pdf (813.94 KB)
bathymetric depth change; multi-temporal imagery; Sentinel-2; Categorical Boosting; airborne LiDAR; ICESat-2
K. Lowell, Accuracy of Bathymetric Depth Change Maps Using Multi-Temporal Images and Machine Learning, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Special Issue: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Coastal Morphodynamic Systems), vol. 12(8). p. 1401 (17 pp), 2024.
bathymetric data uncertainty
C. Kastrisios, Ware, C., Calder, B. R., Butkiewicz, T., Alexander, L., and Broekman, R., Improved Techniques for Depth Quality Information on Navigational Charts, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1. Nessebar, Bulgaria, pp. 73-80, 2020.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_2020_DepthQualityOnCharts_8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(8).pdf (1.75 MB)
bathymetric data
B. R. Calder, Automatic Processing of Bathymetric Data from Multibeam Echosounders, 2001 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 2001.Image icon Calder_2001_AGU_Automatic_processing_of_bathymetric_data.jpg (531.95 KB)
Bathmetric Estimation
B. R. Calder, Parallel and Distributed Performance of a Depth Estimation Algorithm, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon Calder_ParallelDistributedPerformance.pdf (1.87 MB)
bare earth filtering
J. Rogers, Parrish, C. E., Ward, L. G., and Burdick, D. M., Assessment of Elevation Uncertainty in Salt Marsh Environments Using Discrete-Return and Full-Waveform Lidar, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. SI 76. Coastal Education & Research Foundation [CERF], Coconut Creek, FL, pp. 107-122, 2016.
bag explorer
G. Masetti, HydrOffice: Past, Present, and Future, NOAA OCS Field Procedures Workshop. p. Portland, OR, 2018.
G. Masetti, Wilson, M. J., Calder, B. R., Gallagher, B., and Zhang, C., Research-driven Tools for Ocean Mappers, Hydro International, vol. 22, 1. GeoMares Publishing, pp. 29-33, 2018.PDF icon hydro-international-2018-1-2-research-driven-tools-for-ocean-mappers.pdf (1.05 MB)
C. McGonigle, Grabowski, J., Brown, C., Weber, T. C., and Quin, R., Detection of Deep Water Benthic Macroalgae Using Image-based Classification Techniques on Multibeam Backscatter at Cashes Ledge, Gulf of Maine, USA, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 91. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 87-101, 2011.
G. Rice, Greenaway, S. F., Weber, T. C., and Beaudoin, J., Methods for Collecting and Using Backscatter Field Calibration Information for the Reson 7000 Series Multibeam, 2012 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Niagara Falls, Canada, 2012.PDF icon Rice_CHC2012.pdf (239.36 KB)
A. Berry, Cezairle, Y., Chowdhury, M., Englert, C., Gunasinghage , P., Guo, X., Hassan, N., Masetti, G., Minami, H., Nguyen, T., Thein, S., Welton, B., Wilson, M. J., Armstrong, A. A., Dijkstra, S. J., Smith, B., and Terry, E., CCOM-JHC Summer Hydro 2012: A High-Res Survey Under 12 Flags, Eighth Annual GEBCO Bathymetric Science Day. Venice, Italy, 2013.PDF icon ccom_poster_gebco_2013.pdf (730.59 KB)
L. G. Ward, McAvoy, Z. S., Johnson, P., and Greenaway, S. F., Use of high resolution bathymetry and backscatter for mapping depositional environments on the New Hampshire continental shelf, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Northeastern Section. Bretton Woods, NH, 2015.
T. C. Weber and Ward, L. G., Observations of Backscatter from Sand and Gravel Seafloors Between 170 and 250 kHz, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 138. Acoustical Society of America, pp. 2169–2180, 2015.PDF icon weber-ward-acoustical-society-2015.pdf (2.89 MB)
E. J. Bajor, High-Frequency Broadband Seafloor Backscatter in a Sandy Estuarine Environment, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2015.PDF icon Bajor-Thesis-Sept-2015.pdf (5.21 MB)
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Methods for Artifact Identification and Reduction in Acoustic Backscatter Mosaicking, 2017 U.S. Hydro Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Us_hydro_2017_-_Masetti_-_Artifact_reduction_in_mosaics.pdf (1.38 MB)
X. Lurton, Lamarche, G., Brown, C., Heffron, E., Lucieer, V., Rice, G., Schimel, A. C. G., and Weber, T. C., Multibeam sonar backscatter data acquisition and processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, 2015.PDF icon AGU_2015_BSWG_OS21A-1957.pdf (3.28 MB)
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Mayer, L. A., How to Improve the Quality and the Reproducibility for Acoustic Seafloor Characterization, GeoHab 2017. p. Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017.PDF icon geohab_2017_abstracts.pdf (2.33 MB)
L. Gee, Raineault, N. A., Kane, R., Saunders, M., Heffron, E., Embley, R. W., and Merle, S. G., Seep Detection Using E/V Nautilus Integrated Seafloor Mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicles on the United States West Coast, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
N. A. Raineault, Ballard, R., Fahy, J., Mayer, L. A., Heffron, E., Kranosky, K., Roman, C., Schmidt, V., McLeod, A., Bursek, J., and Broad, K., Correlating Sea Level Rise Still-stands to Marine Terraces and Undiscovered Submerged Shoreline Features in the Channel Islands (USA) Using Autonomous and Remotely Operated Systems, 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
J. E. Conrad, Dartnell, P., Raineault, N. A., Brothers, D. S., Roland, E. C., Kane, R., Gee, L., Walton, M. A. L., Heffron, E., and Saunders, M., New Seafloor Bathymetry and Backscatter Mapping of the Southern California Borderland, 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). p. Washington, DC, 2018.
L. G. Ward, Johnson, P., Nagel, E., McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., Western Gulf of Maine Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Marine Minerals Branch, Herndon, VA, 2016.
H. Balir, Miksis-Olds, J., and Warren, J., Spatial Variability of Epi- and Mesopelagic 38 kHz Backscatter from Fish and Zooplankton Across the Southeastern US Shelf Break, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 669. 2021.
auv path planning
R. Komerska, Ware, C., Plumlee, M. D., and Arsenault, R., Haptic-GeoZui3D: Exploring the Use of Haptics in AUV Path Planning, Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Symposium (UUST). Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute , Durham, NH, 2003.Image icon Komerska_2003_UUST_Haptic-GeoZui3D-AUV_path_planning.jpg (722.73 KB)
Autonomous Survey Systems
C. Moreno, Schmidt, V., Calder, B. R., and Mayer, L. A., Sensing for Hydrographic Autonomous Surface Vehicles, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). The Hydrographic Society of America, Biloxi, MS, 2019.
Autonomous Navigation
S. M. Kohlbrenner, Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., Kastrisios, C., Schmidt, V., and Kashyap, A., Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring, 30th International Cartographic Conference. International Cartographic Association, Florence, Italy, 2021.
C. Kastrisios, Schmidt, V., Kohlbrenner, S. M., Eager, M. K., Phommachanh, N. T., and Kashyap, A., Roads of the Sea, 2021 US Hydro Conference. p. Online, 2021.
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Automated Tools to Improve the Ping-to-Chart Workflow, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 21-30, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_QCTools.pdf (801.62 KB)
R. Arsenault and Schmidt, V., A Mapping Focused Open-Sourced Software Framework for Autonomous Surface Vehicles, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. p. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2020.PDF icon 202-4Du6-2810.pdf (143.96 KB)
N. Dyer, Kastrisios, C., and De Floriani, L., Chart Features, Data Quality, and Scale in Cartographic Sounding Selection from Composite Bathymetric Data, Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
automatic processing
B. R. Calder, Automatic Processing of Bathymetric Data from Multibeam Echosounders, 2001 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 2001.Image icon Calder_2001_AGU_Automatic_processing_of_bathymetric_data.jpg (531.95 KB)
