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R. E. Grizzle, Ward, L. G., Mayer, L. A., Malik, M. A., Cooper, A. B., Abeels, H. A., Greene, J. K., Brodeur, M. A., and Rosenberg, A. A., Effects of a Large Fishing Closure on Benthic Communitites in the Western Gulf of Maine: Recovery from the Effects of Gillnets and Otter Trawls, Fisheries Bulletin, vol. 107. National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific Publications Office, pp. 308-317, 2009.
R. E. Grizzle, Ward, L. G., Mayer, L. A., Cooper, A. B., Rosenberg, A. A., Brouder, M. A., Greene, J. K., Abeels, H. A., and Malik, M. A., Effects of the Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area on Bottom Habitats: A Preliminary GIS-based Assessment, GIS Conference. Cambridge, MA, USA, 2006.
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