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R. A. Fusina, Fry, J. C., Nichols, C. R., Bachmann, C. M., Li, R., Sellars, J., Parrish, C. E., Montes, M. J., Gross, C., White, S. A., Lee, K., and Jones, C. A., Geodatabase Development to Support Hyperspectral Imagery Exploitation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Honolulu, HI, USA, 2010.
C. E. Parrish, Sellars, J., White, S. A., Bachmann, C. M., Montes, M. J., and Fusina, R. A., Shoreline Mapping with Lidar and HSI-Derived Bathymetry, GeoTech. Silver Springs, MD, USA, 2008.
C. E. Parrish, White, S. A., Pe'eri, S., Calder, B. R., and Rzhanov, Y., Modeling uncertainty in the lidar-derived NOAA shoreline, Joint Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop (JALBTCX). Mobil, AL, USA, 2010.
C. E. Parrish, White, S. A., and Aslaksen, M., New Developments in Lidar Shoreline Mapping and Full-Waveform Lidar at NOAA, European Lidar Mapping Forum (ELMF). The Hague, South Holland, The Netherlands, 2010.
C. E. Parrish, White, S. A., Calder, B. R., and Pe'eri, S., Stochastic Uncertainty Analysis for Lidar-Derived Shoreline and Comparison with New Experimental Results, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, USA, 2010.
S. A. White, Parrish, C. E., Calder, B. R., Pe'eri, S., and Rzhanov, Y., Lidar-Derived National Shoreline: Empirical and Stochastic Uncertainty Analyses, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 62. Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. [CERF], West Palm Beach, FL, USA, pp. 62-74, 2011.
C. E. Parrish, Sault, M., White, S. A., and Sellars, J., Empirical Analysis of Aerial Camera Filters for Shoreline Mapping, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Baltimore, MD, USA, 2005.PDF icon Parrish_2005_Emperical_Anallysis_Of_Aerial_Camera_Filters.pdf (927.62 KB)
C. E. Parrish, Eren, F., Jung, J., Forfinski, N., Calder, B. R., White, S. A., Imahori, G., Kum, J., and Aslaksen, M., Operational TPU Software for Topobathymetric Lidar, 19th Annual JALBTCX Airborne Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop. Providence, RI, 2018.
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