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Journal Article
D. Vendettuoli, Clare, M. A., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Vellinga, A., Hizzet, J., Hage, S., Cartigny, M. J. B., Talling, P. J., Waltham, D., Hubbard, S. M., Stacey, C. D., and Lintern, D. G., Daily Bathymetric Surveys Document How Stratigraphy is Built and Its Extreme Incompleteness in Submarine Channels, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 515. Elsevier, pp. 231-247, 2019.
S. Hage, Cartigny, M. J. B., Sumner, E., Clare, M. A., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Talling, P. J., Lintern, G., Simmons, S., Jacinto, R., Vellinga, A., Allin, J., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., Gales, J., Hizzett, J., Hunt, J., Mozzato, A., Parsons, D., Pope, E., Stacey, C. D., Symons, W., Vardy, M., and Watts, C., Direct Monitoring Reveals Initiation of Turbidity Currents From Extremely Dilute River Plumes, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 46(20). pp. 11310-11320, 2019.
C. D. Stacey, Hill, P. R., Talling, P. J., Enkin, R. J., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., How Turbidity Current Frequency and Character Varies Down a Fjord-Delta System: Combining Direct Monitoring, Deposits and Seismic Data, Sedimentology. Wiley, 2018.
M. A. Clare, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Talling, P. J., Cartigny, M. J. B., and Pratomo, D. G., Preconditioning and Triggering of Offshore Slope Failures and Turbidity Currents Revealed by Most Detailed Monitoring Yet at a Fjord-Head Delta, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 450. Elsevier, pp. 208-220, 2016.
M. L. Wolfson-Schwehr, Paull, C. K., Caress, D. W., Gwiazda, R., Nieminski, N. M., Talling, P. J., Simmons, S., and Troni, G., Time-Lapse Seafloor Surveys Reveal How Turbidity Currents and Internal Tides in Monterey Canyon Interact With the Seabed at Centimeter-Scale, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, vol. 128 (4). American Geophysical Union, 2023.
J. A. Gales, Talling, P. J., Cartigny, M. J. B., Hughes Clarke, J. E., Lintern, G., Stacey, C. D., and Clare, M. A., What Controls Submarine Channel Development and the Morphology of Deltas Entering Deep-Water Fjords?, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 44(2). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , pp. 535-551, 2019.
J. L. Hizzett, Hughes Clarke, J. E., Sumner, E. J., Cartigny, M. J. B., Talling, P. J., and Clare, M. A., Which Triggers Produce the Most Erosive, Frequent, and Longest Runout Turbidity Currents on Deltas?, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45,2. American Geophysical Union , pp. 855-863, 2018.