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, “SAT and Trial Cruise of the Acoustical Sensors Onboard R/V Falkor”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center & Ifremer, 2012.
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, “U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Map and Sample the US Arctic Ocean Margin”, University of New Hampshire (UNH), Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2012.
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“U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Map the Foot of the Slope of the Northeast U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin: Leg 7”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, 2012.
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, “Empirical Comparison of Full-Waveform Lidar Algorithms: Range Extraction and Discrimination Performance”, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 77. ASPRS: The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society, Bethesda, MD, USA, pp. 825-838, 2011.
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, “Airborne hyperspectral co-registration independent from attitude and positioning sensors”, Coastal GeoTools 2011. Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 2011.
, “Assessing juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna schools in the Northwest Atlantic using sonar data and aerial imagery”, 161st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Seattle, WA, USA, 2011.
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, “Design and Implementation of an Extensible Variable Resolution Bathymetric Estimator”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.
, “Detecting and mapping gas seeps with a deepwater multibeam echosounder”, Subsea and Arctic Leak Detection Symposium. Houston, TX, USA, 2011.
, “Detection, measurement and recognition of fish species underwater”, Mesh Atlantic Video Survey Techniques Workshop. Faro, Algarve, POR, 2011.
, “Detection of Deep Water Benthic Macroalgae Using Image-based Classification Techniques on Multibeam Backscatter at Cashes Ledge, Gulf of Maine, USA”, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 91. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 87-101, 2011.
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, “Estimating Atlantic Bluefin Tuna number density using the second moment of intensity”, Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA, USA, 2011.
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, “Field Calibration Methodology for a Multibeam Echo Sounder Using a Split Beam Sonar System and a Standard Target”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2011.
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, “On the Horizon: Better Bottom Detection for Areas of Sub-Aquatic Vegetation”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.
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, “Improved Raster Navigation Products From High Resolution Source Data”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.
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“Large Scale Observation of Fine-scale Seabed Morphology and Flow Structure in Tidally Modulate Inlets”, Office of Naval Reasearch (ONR) , Durham, NH, USA, 2011.
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, “Mapping and quantifying morphological parameters of eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in eastern Cape Cod Bay, MA using an interferometric sonar system”, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Daytona Beach, FL. 2011.
, “The Mariana Trench: A New View Based on Multibeam Echosounding”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States, 2011.
, “Measuring the Water Level Datum Relative to the Ellipsoid During Hydrographic Survey”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.
, “A Method for Field Calibration of a Multibeam Echo Sounder”, Oceans MTS/IEEE 2011. Kona, HI, USA, 2011.
, “Mid-frequency backscatter from spatially organized fish schools”, 162nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA, USA, 2011.
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, “Quantitative Morphological Analysis of Submarine Canyon-channel Systems on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2011.
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, “The Seafloor: A Key Factor in Lidar Bottom Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49. IEEE, Washington DC, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1150-1157, 2011.
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“Seafloor characterization using airborne hyperspectral co-registration procedures independent from attitude and positioning sensors”, Coastal Geotools 2011. Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, 2011.
, “Streamlining Sound Speed Profile Pre-Processing: Case Studies and Field Trials”, U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO). Tampa, FL, USA, 2011.
, “Testing of AIS Application-Specific Messages to Improve US Coast Guard VTS Operations”, e-Navigation Underway Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011.
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“U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Complete the Mapping of Necker Ridge, Central Pacific Ocean”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2011.
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“U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Map the Foot of the Slope and 2500-m Isobath of the U.S. Arctic Ocean Margin”, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC), 2011.
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, “Hydrographic Survey Bottom Sampling Specifications: A Remote Sensing Perspective”, Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC). Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2010.
, “Petrography and U-pb, Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Metasedimentary Strata Dredged from the Chukchi Borderland, Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
, “Sea Ice Coverage as an IHO S-57 Marine Information Overlay (MIO)”, CARIS. Miami, FL, USA, 2010.
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, “Remote Acoustic Characterization of Seafloor Properties from an AUV”, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, USA, 2010.
, “New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2010 E/V Nautilus Field Season”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
, “New Standards for Providing Meteorological and Hydrographic Information via AIS Application-specific Messages”, International Hydrographic Review. Geomatics Information & Trading Center - GITC, Lemmers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 37-44, 2010.
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, “Comparison and Evaluation of Publicly Available Global Bathymetric Grids”, GEBCO. Lima, Peru, Peru, 2010.
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, “Physical Properties and Age of Mid-slope Sediments Dredged from the Eastern Australian Continental Margin--Implication for Continental Margin Erosional Processes”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 1-1, 2010.
, “Modeling uncertainty in the lidar-derived NOAA shoreline”, Joint Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop (JALBTCX). Mobil, AL, USA, 2010.
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, “Gorda Ridge Revisited: the R/V Okeanos Explorer Conducts its First Hydrothermal Plume Survey”, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR, USA, 2010.
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, “Video Observations by Telepresence Reveal Two Types of Hydrothermal Venting on Kawio Barat Seamount”, American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
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