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Whale Tracking
E. L. Hazen, Friedlaender, A. S., Thompson, M. A., Ware, C., Weinrich, M. T., Halpin, P. N., and Wiley, D. N., Fine-scale Prey Aggregations and Foraging Ecology of Humpback Whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae), Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 395. Inter-Research, Nordbunte, Oldendorf, Germany, pp. 75-89, 2009.
A. S. Friedlaender, Hazen, E. L., Nowacek, D. P., Halpin, P. N., Ware, C., Weinrich, M. T., Hurst, T., and Wiley, D. N., Dirl Changes in Humpback Whale (Megaptera Novaeangliae) Feeding Behavior in Response to Sand Lance (Ammodytes SPP.) Behavior and Distribution, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 395. Inter-Research, Nordbunte, Oldendorf, Germany, pp. 91-100, 2009.
V. Schmidt, Weber, T. C., Ware, C., Arsenault, R., Wiley, D. N., Johnson, M. P., Dawe, E., and Friedlaender, A. S., Whale tracking underwater: high frequency acoustic pingers and the instrumented tag (DTAG), Acoustical Society of America (ASA). New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2007.
R. Arsenault, Friedlaender, A. S., Hazen, E. L., Ware, C., and Wiley, D. N., Advances in the study of marine mammal predator-prey interactions: a novel real-time visualization of independently collected echosounder data using GeoZui4D, Society for Marine Mammalogy. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2009.Image icon Arsenault_2009_SMM_Advances_in_the_study_of_marine_mammal_predator-prey_interactions_a_novel_real-time_visualization_of_independently_collected_echosounder_data_using_GeoZui4D.jpg (3.59 MB)
E. L. Hazen, Friedlaender, A. S., Wiley, D. N., Thompson, M. A., Ware, C., and Weinrich, M. T., Oceanographic Structuring of Fish Distribution and Fine Scale Foraging of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary, Society for Marine Mammalogy. Scituate, MA, USA, 2007.
E. L. Hazen, Friedlaender, A. S., Wiley, D. N., Thompson, M. A., Ware, C., and Weinrich, M. T., Three Dimensional Prey Aggregations and Fine Scale Foraging Patterns of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae), Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary, The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Annual Science Conference. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2007.PDF icon Hazen_2007_ICES_3D_prey_aggregations.pdf (1.18 MB)