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C. M. Bachmann, Nichols, C. R., Montes, M. J., Li, R., Woodward, P., Fusina, R. A., Chen, W., Mishra, V., Kim, W., Monty, J., McIlhany, K., Kessler, K., Korwan, D., Millar, W. D., Bennert, E., Smith, G. M., Gillis, D., Sellars, J., Parrish, C. E., Schwarzschild, A., and Truitt, B., Retrieval of Substrate Bearing Strength from Hyperspectral Imagery during the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR'07) Multi-Sensor Campaign, Marine Geodesy, vol. 33. Taylor & Francis, pp. 101-116, 2010.
R. A. Fusina, Fry, J. C., Nichols, C. R., Bachmann, C. M., Li, R., Sellars, J., Parrish, C. E., Montes, M. J., Gross, C., White, S. A., Lee, K., and Jones, C. A., Geodatabase Development to Support Hyperspectral Imagery Exploitation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Honolulu, HI, USA, 2010.
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