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Journal Article
G. Masetti, Church, I., Hiroji, A. D., and Andersen, O., Advancements in Ocean Mapping and Nautical Cartography, Geomatics, vol. 4. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 433-436, 2024.PDF icon geomatics-04-00023.pdf (219.8 KB)
G. Masetti, Granding, P. Sigaard, Langdahl, K., Schwenger, L. Mondberg, and Kristmar, K. Villadsen, Denmark’s Depth Model Version 2.0 – Improved Compilation of Bathymetric Data Within the Danish Waters, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 30(2). International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 50-63, 2024.PDF icon IHR-24-A17_draft.pdf (3.57 MB)
Conference Abstract
T. Faulkes, Wilson, M. J., Masetti, G., Cziraki, E., Wozumi, T., and Zhang, C., From Vision to Reality: Implementing NOAA's Re-envisioned Hydrographic Survey Specifications, Canadian Hydrographic Conference. St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 2024.
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Introducing the Denmark Depth Model, Hydro International, vol. 2. Geomares Publishing, pp. 40-42, 2023.
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Andersen, O., Andreasen, N., Christiansen, P. S., Cole, M. A., Harris, J. P., Langdahl, K., Schwenger, L. Mondberg, and Sonne, I. B., Denmark's Depth Model: Compilation of Bathymetric Data within the Danish Waters, Geomatics, vol. 2(4). pp. 486-498, 2022.
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., Wilson, M. J., and Wallace, J., Effective Automated Procedures for Hydrographic Data Review, Geomatics, vol. 2(3). MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 338-354, 2022.
G. Masetti, Dijkstra, S. J., Wigley, R., and Faulkes, T., Introducing Programming to Ocean Mapping Students, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 28. International Hydrographic Office (IHO), Monaco, pp. 108-120, 2022.
Conference Proceedings
G. Masetti and Faulkes, T., Pydro and HydrOffice, Effective Seabed Mapping Workflow. Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2019.
Conference Abstract
D. Manda and Masetti, G., Pydro & HydrOffice: Open Tools for Ocean Mappers, U.S. Hydro 2019. p. Biloxi, MS, 2019.
Conference Proceedings
C. Kastrisios, Calder, B. R., Masetti, G., and Holmberg, P., Validation of the Shoal-Biased Pattern of Bathymetric Information on Nautical Charts, 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2019), vol. 1. International Cartorgaphic Association, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.PDF icon Kastrisios_etal_Validation_of_Bathymetric_Information_on_Charts_ICC2019_Proceedings.pdf (982.75 KB)
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Faulkes, T., and Kastrisios, C., Automated Identification of Discrepancies Between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7. MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 392, 2018.
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Mayer, L. A., and Ward, L. G., A Bathymetry- and Reflectivity-Based Approach for Seafloor Segmentation, Geosciences, vol. 8 (1). MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, p. 14, 2018.PDF icon geosciences-08-00014.pdf (7.16 MB)
Journal Article
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Automated Tools to Improve the Ping-to-Chart Workflow, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 21-30, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_QCTools.pdf (801.62 KB)
Conference Proceedings
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., Finding Fliers: New Techniques and Metrics, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Wilson_USHydro_2017_Finding_Fliers.pdf (1.22 MB)
Conference Proceedings
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Hughes Clarke, J. E., Methods for Artifact Identification and Reduction in Acoustic Backscatter Mosaicking, 2017 U.S. Hydro Conference. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon Us_hydro_2017_-_Masetti_-_Artifact_reduction_in_mosaics.pdf (1.38 MB)
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Kelley, J. G., Johnson, P., and Beaudoin, J., A Ray-Tracing Uncertainty Estimation Tool for Ocean Mapping, IEEE Access, vol. 6. IEEE, pp. 2136 - 2144, 2017.PDF icon preprint_08183436.pdf (906.82 KB)
G. Masetti, Gallagher, B., Calder, B. R., Zhang, C., and Wilson, M. J., Sound Speed Manager: An Open-Source Application to Manage Sound Speed Profiles, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 17. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, pp. 31-40, 2017.PDF icon IHR_May2017_SoundSpeedManager.pdf (836.81 KB)
Conference Proceedings
B. Gallagher, Masetti, G., Zhang, C., Calder, B. R., and Wilson, M. J., Sound Speed Manager: An Open-Source Initiative to Streamline the Hydrographic Data Acquisition Workflow, U.S. Hydro Conference 2017. The Hydrographic Society of America, Galveston, TX, 2017.PDF icon us_hydro_2017_sound_speed_manager_final.pdf (477.9 KB)
M. J. Wilson, Masetti, G., and Calder, B. R., NOAA QC Tools: Origin, Development, and Future, 2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2016.PDF icon Wilson_Matt_NOAA_QC_Tools.pdf (1.4 MB)
Journal Article
L. Cocchi, Masetti, G., Muccini, F., and Carmisciano, C., Geophysical Mapping of Vercelli Seamount: Implications for Miocene Evolution of the Tyrrhenian Back Arc Basin, Geoscience Frontiers. ScienceDirect, 2015.
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Huddl: the Hydrographic Universal Data Description Language, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 13. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 17-32, 2015.PDF icon Huddl_IHR_May2015.pdf (1.81 MB)
Journal Article
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., A Risk Index Methodology for Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS), Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(3). Springer, pp. 391-405, 2014.
Journal Article
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Design of a standardized geo-database for risk monitoring of potentially polluting marine sites, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 34(1). Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 138-149, 2013.
Journal Article
G. Masetti, Calder, B. R., and Alexander, L., Potentially Polluting Marine Sites GeoDB: An S-100 Geospatial Database as an Effective Contribution to the Protection of the Marine Environment, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 8. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 27-40, 2012.PDF icon PPMS_GeoDB_IHR_2012.pdf (1.41 MB)
G. Masetti and Calder, B. R., Remote identification of a shipwreck site from MBES backscatter, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 111. Elsevier,, pp. 44-52, 2012.
Journal Article
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., I relitti delle navi da guerra: status e tutela giuridica, Informazioni delle Difesa, vol. 5. Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Italy, pp. 24-31, 2011.PDF icon InfoDifesa_5_2011_24_31.pdf (333.8 KB)
G. Masetti, Sacile, R., and Trucco, A., Remote characterization of seafloor adjacent to shipwrecks using mosaicking and analysis of backscatter response, Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 43. Italian Society of Remote Sensing, pp. 77-92, 2011.PDF icon Masetti_et_al_2011_ItJRS_VOL43(2)_077_092.pdf (1.5 MB)
Journal Article
G. Masetti and Carnevale, L., GIS e GeoDB: due acronimi per capire il mondo. Elementi teorici e spunti argomentativi sull'integrazione dei dati geografici, Rivista Marittima, vol. 3. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 91-100, 2010.
Journal Article
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., Environmental Risks Monitoring of Shipwrecks in Italian Seas, International Hydrographic Review, vol. 11. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, Monaco Cedex, Monaco, pp. 52-60, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_2009_Environmental_Risks.pdf (369.02 KB)
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., L'Unione Europea contro la pirateria marittima nel Golfo di Aden, Informazioni della Difesa, vol. 6. Italian Ministero Della Difesa, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 10-15, 2009.PDF icon Masetti_2009_LUnione_Europea_contro_la_pirateria_770Aden.pdf (570.55 KB)
G. Masetti and Orsini, F., Tutela dell’ambiente marino: Le responsabilità degli Stati costieri nell’individuazione e nel monitoraggio dei relitti marini presenti nelle acque di propria giurisdizione, Gazzetta Ambiente, vol. 5. Gazzetta Ambiente, Rome, Rome, Italy, pp. 26-31, 2009.