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M. Jakobsson, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0, Scientific Data, vol. 11., 2024.
I. Data Disco Participants, Ferrini, V. L., Jencks, J., Bastos, A., Brumley, K., Damaske, D., Foglini, F., Heffron, E., Hoy, S., and Kinney, J., A GEBCO Community Vision for Improving the Availability, Discoverability & Accessibility of Bathymetric Data, Proposed Action Plan 2023-2026: Prepared for the GEBCO Technical Sub-Committee for Ocean Mapping (TSCOM), GEBCO , Monaco, 2023.PDF icon TSCOM40_2023_5a_EN_A GEBCO Community Vision for Improving the Availability Discoverability Accessibility of Bathymetric Data Action Plan 2023-26.pdf (247.83 KB)
P. Weatherall, Bogonko, M., Bringensparr, C., Ferreras, S. Cáceres, Cardigos, S., Dorschel, B., Drennon, H., Dreutter, S., Ferrini, V. L., Hehemann, L., Jakobsson, M., Johnson, P., Karlsson, M., Kinney, J., Mackay, K., Maher, S. M., Martin, T. V., Mayer, L. A., McMichael-Phillips, J., Mohammad, R., Nitsche, F. O., Roperez, J., Salas-Romero, S., Sandwell, D. T., Tenberge, Y. Schulze, Schwarzbach, P., Snaith, H., Viquerat, S., 2023, G. E. B. C. O. Bathymetri, and Warnke, F., The GEBCO_2023 Grid - A Continuous Terrain Model of the Global Oceans and Land. NERC EDS British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC, 2023.
P. Weatherall, Bringensparr, C., Castro, C. F., Dorschel, B., Drennon, H., Ferrini, V. L., Harper, H. A., Hehemann, L., Jakobsson, M., Johnson, P., Kinney, J., Mackay, K., Maher, S. M., Martin, T. V., Mayer, L. A., McMichael-Phillips, J., Mohammad, R., Nitsche, F. O., Roperez, J., Sandwell, D. T., Snaith, H., Tozer, B., Viquerat, S., Warnke, F., and Yu, Y., The GEBCO 2022 Grid - A Continuous Terrain Model of the Global Oceans and Land. NERC EDS British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC, 2022.
S. Robinson, Ping Once Use many times: NOAA Wilmington NC 2016 Field Season, 2017 U.S. Hydrographic Conference. p. Galveston, TX, 2017.