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“Understanding Physical Properties of Gas Bubbles in the Ocean: How Does Reality Affect What We Think We Already Know?”, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
, “Acoustic backscattering observations from non-spherical gas bubbles with ka between 0.03 – 4”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 149(4). pp. 2504-2519, 2021.
, “Acoustic Monitoring and Tracking of Natural Hydrocarbons Gas Bubbles Over the Course of a Year”, Science and Ocean Engineering Graduate Research Symposium. p. Virtual, 2021.
, “Controlled Laboratory Experiments on the Dissolution of Hydrate-Free and Hydrate-Coated Gas Bubbles in Water”, University of New Hampshire Graduate Research Conference. 2021.
, “Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring and Tracking of Natural Hydrocarbon Seep from an Offshore Oil Platform in Coal Oil Point Seep Field”, Acoustical Society of America - Acoustics in Focus. p. Virtual, 2021.
, “Observations from Controlled Experiments on the Dissolution of Free-Gas Bubbles and Hydrate-Coated Bubbles in Water”, 2020 Ocean Science Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2020.
, “Echoes from the Ocean’s Interior: High-Frequency Observations of Ocean Phenomena”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 145(3). Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1653-1653, 2019.
, “Modern Assessment of Natural Hydrocarbon Gas Flux at the Coal Oil Point Seep Field, Santa Barbara, California”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 124. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , pp. 2472-2484, 2019.
, “Target Strength Measurements of Spherical and Wobbly Bubbles”, 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Louisville, KY, 2019.
, “Acoustic Scattering of Large Wobbly Bubbles”, Bubbles 2017. Tromso, Norway, 2017.
, “Evidence of Low-Frequency Multiple Scattering of Methane Gas Bubbles at Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara, California”, 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
, “Experimental Observations of Acoustic Backscattering from Spherical and Wobbly Bubbles”, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Boston, MA, 2017.
, “Observing the Evolution and Fate of Free Methane in the Ocean”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 142(4). Acoustical Society of America, pp. 2505-2505, 2017.
, “Target Strength Observations of Wobbly Bubbles”, 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2016.