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A. M. Padilla, Understanding Physical Properties of Gas Bubbles in the Ocean: How Does Reality Affect What We Think We Already Know?, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2022.
A. M. Padilla and Weber, T. C., Acoustic backscattering observations from non-spherical gas bubbles with ka between 0.03 – 4, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 149(4). pp. 2504-2519, 2021.
A. M. Padilla, Kinnaman, F. S., Valentine, D. L., and Weber, T. C., Acoustic Monitoring and Tracking of Natural Hydrocarbons Gas Bubbles Over the Course of a Year, Science and Ocean Engineering Graduate Research Symposium. p. Virtual, 2021.
A. M. Padilla, Waite, W. F., and Weber, T. C., Controlled Laboratory Experiments on the Dissolution of Hydrate-Free and Hydrate-Coated Gas Bubbles in Water, University of New Hampshire Graduate Research Conference. 2021.
A. M. Padilla, Kinnaman, F. S., and Valentine, D. L., Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring and Tracking of Natural Hydrocarbon Seep from an Offshore Oil Platform in Coal Oil Point Seep Field, Acoustical Society of America - Acoustics in Focus. p. Virtual, 2021.
A. M. Padilla, Waite, W. F., and Weber, T. C., Observations from Controlled Experiments on the Dissolution of Free-Gas Bubbles and Hydrate-Coated Bubbles in Water, 2020 Ocean Science Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2020.
T. C. Weber, Mayer, L. A., Lyons, A. P., Loranger, S., Padilla, A. M., and Weidner, E., Echoes from the Ocean’s Interior: High-Frequency Observations of Ocean Phenomena, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 145(3). Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1653-1653, 2019.
A. M. Padilla, Loranger, S., Kinnaman, F. S., Valentine, D. L., and Weber, T. C., Modern Assessment of Natural Hydrocarbon Gas Flux at the Coal Oil Point Seep Field, Santa Barbara, California, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 124. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. , pp. 2472-2484, 2019.
A. M. Padilla and Weber, T. C., Target Strength Measurements of Spherical and Wobbly Bubbles, 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Louisville, KY, 2019.
A. M. Padilla and Weber, T. C., Acoustic Scattering of Large Wobbly Bubbles, Bubbles 2017. Tromso, Norway, 2017.
A. M. Padilla, Loranger, S., and Weber, T. C., Evidence of Low-Frequency Multiple Scattering of Methane Gas Bubbles at Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara, California, 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
A. M. Padilla, Rychert, K. M., and Weber, T. C., Experimental Observations of Acoustic Backscattering from Spherical and Wobbly Bubbles, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Boston, MA, 2017.
T. C. Weber, Weidner, E., Padilla, A. M., Rychert, K. M., and Loranger, S., Observing the Evolution and Fate of Free Methane in the Ocean, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 142(4). Acoustical Society of America, pp. 2505-2505, 2017.
A. M. Padilla, Rychert, K. M., and Weber, T. C., Target Strength Observations of Wobbly Bubbles, 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. p. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2016.