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M. Jakobsson, Mayer, L. A., Coakley, B., Dowdeswell, J., Forbes, S., Fridman, B., Hodnesdal, H., Noormets, R., Gardner, J. V., Armstrong, A. A., Pedersen, R., Rebesco, M., Schenke, H. W., Zarayskaya, Y., Accettella, D., Anderson, R. M., Bienhoff, P., Camerlenghi, A., Church, I., Edwards, M., Hall, J. K., Hell, B., Hestvik, O., Kristoffersen, Y., Marcussen, C., Mohammad, R., Mosher, D. C., Nghiem, S. V., Pedrosa, M. T., Travaglini, P. G., and Weatherall, P., The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39. 2012.PDF icon Jakobsson-et-al-2012-GRL.pdf (778.6 KB)
J. Beaudoin, Sade, A., Schulze, B., and Hall, J. K., Dead Sea Multi-beam Echo Sounder Survey, Hydro International, vol. 15. pp. 21-23, 2011.
L. A. Mayer, Brumley, K., Andronikov, A., Chayes, D. N., Armstrong, A. A., Calder, B. R., Hall, J. K., Clyde, W. C., Bothner, W. A., and Gardner, J. V., Recent Mapping and Sampling on the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha/Medeleev Ridge, American Geophysical Union (AGU), vol. 89. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008.
L. A. Mayer, Recent Mapping and Sampling on the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha/Medeleev Ridge, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, United States, 2008.
R. M. Anderson, Jakobsson, M., Monahan, D., Hall, J. K., Montoro, H., and Mustapha, A., GEBCO: A New 1:35000000 Scale Printed Map, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union . San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 0-0, 2005.
M. Jakobsson, Gardner, J. V., Vogt, P. R., Mayer, L. A., Armstrong, A. A., Backman, J., Brennan, R. T., Calder, B. R., Hall, J. K., and Kraft, B. J., Multibeam Bathymetric and Sediment Profiler Evidence for Ice Grounding on the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean, Quaternary Research, vol. 63. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, pp. 150-160, 2005.
L. A. Mayer, Jakobsson, M., and Hall, J. K., Challenges of Collecting Law of the Sea Data in the Arctic: The Arctic and Law of the Sea, in International Energy Policy, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea, 9th ed., no. M.H. Nordquist, J.N. Moore & A.S. Skaridov, Leiden, South Holland, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff legacy_publishers, 2005, pp. 125-140.
M. H. Cormier, de Moustier, C., Hall, J. K., Mayer, L. A., Monahan, D., and Vogt, P. R., The Global Ocean Mapping Project (GOMap): Promoting international collaboration for a systematic, high-resolution mapping of the world's oceans, International Geological Conference (IGC). Florence, Florence, Italy, pp. 0-0, 2004.