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L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., Analysis of Vibracores from the New Hampshire Continental Shelf from 1984 and 1988, Department of Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Marine Minerals Division, Sterling, VA, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Corcoran, N. W., McAvoy, Z. S., and Morrison, R. C., New Hampshire Atlantic Beaches: 2017 Field Campaign Database - Field and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Grizzle, R. E., and Morrison, R. C., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2002-2005 Jeffreys Ledge Field Campaign – Seafloor Photographs and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, McAvoy, Z. S., and Morrison, R. C., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2012-2013 NEWBEX Field Campaign – Seafloor Photographs and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., and McAvoy, Z. S., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor Photographs. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., and McAvoy, Z. S., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., and McAvoy, Z. S., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign - Stations and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., McAvoy, Z. S., and Vallee-Anziani, M., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: Vibracore Logs and Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Morrison, R. C., and McAvoy, Z. S., New Hampshire Continental Shelf Historical Geophysical Database: 1971 to 2015 - Sediment Data. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2021.
L. G. Ward, Johnson, P., Bogonko, M., McAvoy, Z. S., and Morrison, R. C., Northeast Bathymetry and Backscatter Compilation: Western Gulf of Maine, Southern New England, and Long Island Sound, Department of Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Marine Minerals Division, Sterling, VA, 2021.