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G. Seroka, Nagel, E., Greenlaw, J., Kelley, J. G., Weston, N., Myers, E., Pe'eri, S., and Powell, J., Challenges in Generating S-104/HDF5 Files of Water Level Forecast Guidance from NOAA/NOS’s Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (OFS), 101th AMS Annual Meeting. 2021.
G. Masetti, Smith, M., Mayer, L. A., and Kelley, J. G., Applications of the Gulf of Maine Operational Forecast System to Enhance Spatio-Temporal Oceanographic Awareness for Ocean Mapping, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 6:804. Frontiers Media, 2020.
G. Seroka, Greenlaw, J., Hess, K., Kelley, J. G., Nagel, E., Powell, J., and Weston, N., Encoding Hydrodynamic Model Guidance from NOAA's Operational Forecast Systems in S-111 and S-104 International Standards to Support Precision Navigation, 100th AMS Annual Meeting. p. Boston, MA, 2020.
G. Masetti, Mayer, L. A., Johnson, P., and Kelley, J. G., Leveraging Predictions from NOAA’s Oceanographic Forecast Models to Increase Environmental Variability Awareness in Ocean Mapping, American Meteorological Society 100th Meeting. Boston, MA, 2020.PDF icon Abstract_ Leveraging Predictions from Noaa's Oceanographic Forecast Models to Increase Environmental Variability Awareness in Ocean Mapping (100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting).pdf (59.06 KB)
J. G. Kelley, Nagel, E., Greenlaw, J., Gibbons, A. M., Seroka, G., Weston, N., Powell, J., and Myers, E., Modernizing Marine Navigation using S-111 Surface Current Forecast Guidance Derived from NOS Operational Oceanographic Forecast Systems, 2020 Fall Meeting American Geological Union. 2020.
J. Powell, Greenlaw, J., Hess, K., Nagel, E., Seroka, G., Weston, N., and Kelley, J. G., The World of S-100: Data Standards for Navigation Systems and Beyond, 100th AMS Annual Meeting. p. Boston, MA, 2020.
C. Burns, Kelley, J. G., Weston, N., and Kretovic, E., Increasing the Safety and Efficiency of U.S. Seaports Through Precision Navigation, OceanObs. 2019.
J. Greenlaw, Nagel, E., Weston, N., Seroka, G., Hess, K., Powell, J., and Kelley, J. G., The World of S-100: Data Standards for Navigation Systems and Beyond, OceanPredict. 2019.
G. Masetti, Kelley, J. G., Johnson, P., and Beaudoin, J., A Ray-Tracing Uncertainty Estimation Tool for Ocean Mapping, IEEE Access, vol. 6. IEEE, pp. 2136 - 2144, 2017.PDF icon preprint_08183436.pdf (906.82 KB)
C. Ware, Kelley, J. G., and Pilar, D. H. F., Improving the Display of Wind Patterns and Ocean Currents, Bulletin of the American Meterorological Society, vol. 95. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 1-9, 2014.
J. Beaudoin, Oceanographic Weather Maps: Using Oceanographic Models to Improve Seabed Mapping Planning and Acquisition, US Hydrographic Conference 2013. THSOA, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.PDF icon beaudoin_paper.pdf (3.31 MB)
C. Ware, Mitchell, J., Arsenault, R., and Kelley, J. G., Optimally Displaying 2D Vector Fields of Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorlogical Society. Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2009.