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Juliet Kinney

Multibeam Mapping and Data Research Analyst
Office 231

Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab
24 Colovos Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

603.862.3452 (tel)
603.862.0839 (fax)

Dr. Juliet Kinney is a Multibeam Mapping and Data Research Analyst at the Center where she applies her expertise in acquisition, processing and troubleshooting to all sorts of bathymetric data. She is interested in paleoclimate/paleoceanography and her expertise as a geological oceanographer is in high resolution sea floor mapping. High resolution maps of geomorphology are used to study both the present environment as well as to study changes in the past.

She is now involved in Seabed 2030 and applying her expertise in finding data, processing, organizing, and wrangling data and metadata to enable creation of new composite grids on a regular basis. She has been assisting with Environmental Compliance at JHC/CCOM as well. As a Hydrographic Analyst for CCOM for two years, she worked on a variety of projects using GIS mapping, sonar data re-use and processing, QA/QC expertise, and experience with OCS standards. Juliet spent close to five years as Hydrographic Analyst with ERT, and NOAA's Office of Coast Survey at JHC/CCOM. Close to two years of that was working on the National Bathymetric Source Project, including learning more about python, databases, and metadata standards and new IHO standards. For a little over three years as hydrographic analyst with ERT, she was Team Lead with NOAA’s Sandy IOCM Center focusing on research to operations and how to re-use data collected for other purposes and bring data collection and management best practices into action in different groups.

She received her Ph.D. in Marine & Atmospheric Sciences from Stony Brook University. Her dissertation, “The Evolution of the Peconic Estuary 'Oyster Terrain,’ Long Island, NY,” focused on 3D high resolution morphology data and geochemical analyses of stable and radiogenic isotopes to guide the interpretation of sediment samples from the paleoenvironment. She examined geochemical proxy data from the Peconic Estuary in order to determine how submarine groundwater discharge changed during the demise of an oyster terrain that was comprised of over 10,000 reefs. Variations in salinity were examined using 87Sr/86Sr in shells, while variability in submarine groundwater discharge was examined using 226Ra in relict dated shells. Prior to joining JHC/CCOM Juliet was a temporary full time faculty member in the Department of Geological Sciences at Bridgewater State University in MA. She also worked at the USGS as an ECO intern for two years in Menlo Park, CA with the Coastal and Marine Geology Program. She primarily worked with physical oceanographic and sediment transport data while at the USGS. Juliet graduated with a B.S. in Earth Systems Science from the UMass-Amherst Geosciences Department. 


State University of New York - Stony Brook, Ph.D.
Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, August 2003–May 2012

  • Thesis Advisor: Prof. Roger D. Flood
  • Thesis: Evolution of the Peconic Estuary ‘Oyster Terrain,’ Long Island, NY

University of Massachusetts–Amherst, B.S., magna cum laude, September 2000
Earth Systems Major, Art Minor

  • Honors Research Project: The Effect of Global Warming on Wildfires and Forest Ecology
  • Undergraduate Advisors: Dr. Rob Deconto and Frank Keimig